Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company




Every time this idiot talks about free speech in the context of his private company I die a little inside.

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LOL Boring. The only thing missing here are some specific, overly optimistic claims of Boring’s capabilities. I think they were claiming they could start out tunneling a mile a week, and then claimed their upcoming machine could do seven miles in a day! Let’s see it then, Elon. The last project I saw of theirs was a 600ft tunnel going underneath a road and emerging in a muddy field. Might as well claim you’re going to discover Fraggle Rock down there while you’re spewing hollow ambitions.


My cynical side does believe that the Boring company was an attempt to derail the bullet train project and Musk 100% knew the company was going to fail and just threw money at some engineers and said come up with something, get a proof of concept out there, and in 5 years we’ll roll you back into Tesla and you’ll get a promotion.

This wouldn’t surprise me at all

I thought this was common knowledge.


News to me that he just admits to it


The timing isn’t right on this for Boring Company, which wasn’t started until 2016. OTOH, the Hyperloop proposal was explicitly intended as an alternative to California’s HSR proposal. The whole point of it was that the HSR system was expensive and shitty and they should spend all that money on something good instead.

Dude your Musk stanning is ridiculous at this point. We’re still supposed to pretend he is mister super genius business guy, come on.


I thought referring to this user by that name is against the rules at the moment. I won’t grass on you but just a heads up.


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There supposedly is a plan for all kinds of boring happening around and under the strip. Seems like a waste to me. Vegas needs a rail/subway system. Underground trains rather than cars. They need a train that goes from the airport all the way down Maryland Parkway and downtown. Multiple trains that go east and west and north and south across town.


Basically every American city needs this and they will never get it because Americans associate transit with dirty poors and cars with the 'Merican Dream.


oh that was the whole point of it?

I met someone at a work conference who claimed they helped design some stuff for Boring. They said he basically dug a tunnel from work to his own house. Given how much of an asshole he is… this seems plausible but I have no idea how reliable the source is.

My twitter feed is now infested with right wing nonsense. No matter how many of these posts I mute/block they just keep coming like soldiers in the James Bond n64 game. To the point it’s borderline unreadable. Oh also it only loads like 10 tweets even if I haven’t reloaded in hours.