Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

the only thing that matters is if Discourse can embed the toots. can you test it?

Related - I’d bet any amount of money that Russia is funneling money to Greenwald and his ilk through bulk substack subscriptions.

It’s a brilliant mostly aboveboard way to peddle influence actually.


It’s empty at the moment.

I have my doubts about the codebase based on each page showing the logged-out state for a split-second, then showing me as logged in.

That’s a rookie react mistake. Gotta handle that stuff with redux or some other global state.

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People are hiding their own stuff for attention. Look to see if it says hidden by tweet author.

ah, ok, did not realize this

I can’t figure out if it would be worse for society if Elon turned out to be more like Gavin Belson/Hooli, Will Conway/PollyHop, or actual Yelp/Google.

Pollyhop is a fictional, Google-esque search engine that according to Leann’s polling expert is being exploited by the Republican candidate Will Conway in ways that suggest Underwood can’t possibly beat him in the general election. The explanation of how Pollyhop works is convoluted at best, but the gist is that Conway and his people are manipulating search engine results so that only positive coverage of their side appears.


Hi Risky :grin:

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Hi how’s it going :crazy_face:


I’m getting tons of antivax nonsense from people I don’t follow, repeatedly at the top of my feed.

I’ll give it a try. Hive is not ready for primetime, Mastodon is lol.

I didn’t think Twitter pushed content other than ads

IF unavoidable object = Human Child THEN func{accelerate}

Right-wingers are now sharing the Sinclair mashup video as more evidence that you can disbelieve anything you want from the MSM. Awesome.

Yea that’s old news, my bro sent me that or a similar one years ago

It’s like how all the RWNJs on Chiefsplanet hate the KC Star for being a typical liberal paper. And now that vulture capitalists are running it into the ground, they just keep repeating “go woke go broke”.

is preferable to join over another mastodon?

Hi Risky! I am not consumed by the holidays, only black friday (picking up an LG C2 77" after much deliberation!). Hope you’re doing good!

Medium algo works pretty well for me (I think).


I like Waze because it is pretty good at warning you about police and road debris.

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I am not doing bad at all and I am just tickled to see you

I am always happy to see you online and wondering how you’ve been


It’s like Elon was closeted and has come out and needs to let his freak flag fly. There are tons of examples to follow is he wants to be businessman conservative or smarty pants conservative, but for whatever reason he’s going for paint huffing conservative. One too many DMT trips at burning man or something.