Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

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Yea you’re getting straight it straight from the vein. You’d think that it’d be bland businessman “I’m neither left or right. Left’s annoying and sanctimonious while the right can be crude, cruel and anti intellectual and I’ll try to be a straight shooter” stuff. Instead we get the most internet pilled psychopath stuff.

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The self-driving car back-and-forth suffers from the same problem as most politics, physics, and philosophy arguments. Namely, people don’t share the same framework for discussion. I’m not going to let that stop me though.

I say suzzer is closest to being right. It doesn’t matter what the black box contains. Maybe it’s just 1s and 0s and an algorithm or maybe it’s evil spirits. It doesn’t matter. Cars operate in situations that people will recognize as trolley problems. And people will demand that someone (or corporation), be held to account for the “decisions” the car makes.

When that happens, the programmers, or at least their employers, had better have a better story than “no one knows exactly how the AI works”. As Daniel Kaffee explained (The 30th anniversary of the release of A Few Good Men is coming up.):

My father always said a jury trial is not just about the law. It’s about “assigning blame”. Santiago’s dead, and he shouldn’t be. These nine people are going to insist that someone be “blamed” for that. Ross is handing them our clients. We’re gonna hand them Kendrick. This is about a sales pitch. It’s not going to won by the law, It’s gonna be won by the lawyers.


People seem to think we’re going to go straight into fully self-driving cars and I think it’s more like we’ll see increasingly sophisticated driver assists and the cars will gradually become more assertive about using the brakes or correcting your steering if they think you’re driving like a moron. Maybe the cars will force you to maintain a space cushion between you and the car ahead of you.

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I love the lane assist etc in my Subaru. Makes long drives so much easier and allows me to concentrate more on the important things on the road like hazards.

Yeah. Occasionally it will miss, but generally in fairly obvious and similar situations so you come to expect it.

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Said what was in my head that I was completely unable to express.

Driver error-drivers are people. I’m a person I can understand that. Besides they have corporations (insurance companies) that will pay (absent criminal negligence on the driver).

Machines are corporations at some level. They will pay. And pay.

Lol. Though it’s unfair to say that a Tesla caused the issue just yet


Please head on over to folks

i hope everyone is ok, and if they are, this is absolutely hilarious. didnt take long

lol do it


I honestly don’t understand this tweet.

They are indoctrinating your kids with empathy under the guise of education.

Fun Twitter trivia! The same person who designed Twitter is the same person who designed Medium: EV Williams

Did they learn nothing from Ashley Madison?!

Not that long ago, the infamous dating website for cheaters Ashley Madison got caught red-handed (Gizmodo). Men went there thinking it hosted an abundance of women just as eager to cheat on their spouses.

Except their userbase was riddled with fake accounts posing as women. Once the fog was cleared away, one person described Ashley Madison as “a science fictional future where every woman on Earth is dead, and some Dilbert-like engineer has replaced them with badly-designed robots.”

Couldn’t Medium learn from Medium?!!!

The algorithm tracks your claps and your reads. It learns what hooks you at your basest level.

So when the White House returned to Medium, the algorithm proudly delivered the top article recommendation for President Biden’s official Medium account.

PS. Hi Soulman and happy holidays to anyone not yet consumed by the algorithm


These phones will be pure fire


Have you tried it? Is it any good? tr?

Not sure if it’s been discussed much here amid all the self driving car convo, and it’s legitimately hard to find info about it on twitter, but twitter has started banning lefty accounts apparently en masse:

Evidently conservative trolls are targeting lefty accounts with mass report operations, and succeeding in getting them banned. Cyanide and Happiness is probably one of the bigger wtf ones.

It’s good. They’re still working out the bugs but it is intuitive and already has lots of good content.

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lol this is evidence of nothing because a lot could be going on here, but I tweeted something like “elon’s full of shit” and then got that “most tweeters dont tweet stuff like this” warning, and I then tested a tweet like “jmakin is full of shit” and didn’t receive a warning. I wonder if he’s gaming the algorithm. I mean, if he can, of course he is - i mentioned up thread one of my parody accounts never ever gets notifications because it doesnt really follow anyone or do anything and all of a sudden I had 40 notifications and my entire feed was elon.

another funny thing I noticed, weird stuff is getting hidden now for being “sensitive content.” I saw a really benign malcom x quote that got hidden today.

No it’s all there. A bit of self deprecation on Eve 6’s part. The guy responding to Elon’s tweet attributed RATM’s song to Trent Reznor, so clearly he knows fuck all about music. Next frame shows he’s a big Eve 6 fan. The next tweet Eve 6 says they’re breaking up the band.

Right so I don’t think the problem for self-driving cars is “making right/wrong decisions”, it’s literally “well who do we blame if something bad happens?” Although this is a terrible framework for progressing technology, which will have bumps along the way, it’s unfortunately the way a lot of people-at least in the U.S.-are coded to see things.

As far as I can tell, gene therapy faces the same issue. I don’t know what the current state of it is but it has massive, life-altering potential if we can get it to work safely and effectively. However, at least in the past, any time there was an adverse outcome in a trial (i.e. a patient died), they would completely shut it down. Self-driving cars are absolutely going to do stupid things and kill people but 1) that already happens now and 2) they’ll probably do way more smart things that save lives but won’t get recognition, because again, this is just how people are coded to view the world.

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