Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company


My niece works for them.

Chevys super cruise is supposed to work extremely well on highways.

It actually only works on highways and that makes sense as highway driving has to be the easiest to make an AI for.

I’ll be able to post a first hand account when my bolt arrives in (hopefully) a couple of months.

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I worked with a woman who never wears her seat belt because air bags can kill people in an accident. The average person is incomprehensibly stupid.

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TBF that woman doesn’t sound “average,” she sounds “really fucking stupid.”


The guy on h3 is considering just reposting the same tweet that got him banned.

Lol, for a guy whose whole Schlick was “Twitter is infested with bots and fake accounts!” he sure is putting a lot of stock into anonymous internet polls where said bots and fake accounts can skew the outcome.

Big time Why Not Both energy in this post.

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He has this tagged with a “Need Advice” badge.

Sir, this is the Elon Musk thread. You are looking for the Crapto thread, located just down the hall.







One of the related problems here is that cars today are way too safe already - at least in regard to the driver and passengers. If you hit someone with your car instead of deploying a life-saving airbag, you should automatically get stuck with a lethal injection. That’s gonna do a lot more for improving the built environment then another pedestrian island imo.

Currently living in a time warp

Not sure why cars should be the only consumer devices that get to decide who lives and who dies. I’m thinking smart watches and e-readers should have lethal injection apps.

The worst is when a semi is veering into your lane, and you’re in the outside lane with a huge shoulder, fighting the lane correct. I’m just like WTF can you just let me deal with this?

In general, I’m surprised how much on a two-lane interstate I stray towards the yellow line intentionally to give semis or slow-moving cars a wider berth, and the automation features hate it–they want me to stay arrow centered in the lane.

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Why would you keep his last name?

This is a warning for a drive-by attempt to stir up drama in an unrelated discussion. If you want to criticize Riverman’s posting/opinions in the crypto/crapto thread (in a reasonable/civil manner) fine, but don’t try to stir it up in other threads.


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I’m not really right or left wing but it’s pretty obvious that bosses are nothing but parasites living off the sweat of the working man and it’s the moral duty of workers to seize the means of production by violent methods if necessary. I’m quite centrist in my thinking.


I turned mine off on the rental car I had. So annoying. That and the anti-tailgating feature made it really hard to pass on 2-lane highways.

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What if white people could program self-driving cars with an AI that can detect if the person in another car is black?