Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Pretty confused how our lol legal system isn’t prohibiting Elon from killing people with exploding batteries and cars that drive themselves into and over humans.

It’s called INNOVATION loser, look it up. He’s changing the way we think about road fatalities forever! Its like Uber but for body bags!


Elon Musk makes cars?


I’m kinda loling about how one of the big supposed hurdles to self driving cars ever happening ~5 years ago was “no company will ever expose themselves to the liability of the software causing an accident”

A few years later Elon comes out with a half baked beta and is like “fuck it, let ‘em rip!”


I’m assuming the human is still supposed to be behind the wheel and ready to take over at any second? And it will be the human’s responsibility if something bad happens (like the woman who killed the guy on the bike)?

Weird how they never mention that part and our credulous media always makes you read down to paragraph 11 to find out, if mentioned at all.

Let me know when I can have my car drop me off then go park itself. Until then it’s all jerking off imo.

We’ll never know how many kids the software kills until we enable it in the real world and see what happens. That’s just common sense.

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I too, like to test in production!


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Well axshuallyyyyyy (yes I know it’s a meme, but reminded me of this very long and very good medium article I read a few years back)

Testing in Production, the safe way | by Cindy Sridharan | Medium

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Musk is obviously a huge douche but his self driving tech is legit amazing. All jokes aside I’d guess it is already far safer than a human driver even in beta. In a couple years I’d snap bet a lot of money it crushes humans in terms of safety.


Me too!


good article, thanks

yea i was making a joke, for what i do sometimes the only way to see the behavior of something is to introduce it to a live system.

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I guess I was hoping on this forum I wouldn’t need to say it but inb4 and bunch of anecdotes.


I do wonder when Elon starts tweeting rwnj incel stuff that directly related to Tesla legal stuff ie. ‘seatbelts are for pussies’

Let’s bet. I’d be happy too.

I think people underestimate the amount of terrible human drivers there are. Like the guy reversing on the off ramp of a highway we had to avoid last week. For big accidents to happen you need the AI to do something stupid and the drivers around it not being able to avoid the accident. Tesla AI is not ready especially in certain weather but I would be surprised if it doesn’t beat the average human driver in good weather.


There’s also drunk driving and distracted driving, which really on humans are capable of. No one will really know until good data is available.