Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

I think there’s a market for this!

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What a fucking asshole

Despite the obvious terrible management going on here, there is probably a fair number of the remaining Twitter engineers that are in fact bad programmers. You would think the people left would fit into two broad categories - desperate H1B visa types that are literally trapped in their terrible job situation, and over confident toxic male types that have probably been pretty bad at their jobs for a long time but thought they were the best programmers in the company and that the new HARDCORE culture was going to FINALLY reward them for their awesomeness now that all the Woke Bullshit is gone.


I truly can’t fathom working for this fucking guy.

Also the idea Elon and his sycophants can even evaluate anyone on merit is laughable.

Uh he knows how to count dude. If one guy has done 10,000 lines of code and the other has only done 5000 it’s pretty easy to know who to fire.


There’s probably a 3rd type of person that knows their skills are subpar yet somehow landed a high paying tech job and don’t want to leave because they know they don’t have the same prospects on the job market as their more talented colleagues. So yeah, that’s who Elon has running things now. H1B indentured servants, Psychopaths, and people who won’t leave because they know they won’t find much better. There’s probably one or two true Elon believers that also have legitimate talent, but good luck with that.

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Will this stupid thing just completely blow up already.

Activists and researchers are also concerned that the departures could undermine Twitter’s ability to block state-backed information operations aimed at spreading propaganda and harassing adversaries.

for the life of me i will never understand why the saudis didn’t take $54/share from elon and leave

Yeah I have to assume a big chunk of the guys staying on are H1B guys who really have no other options.

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Sounds like the Android app is falling apart.

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On a positive note, if you use iOS and hit the like button today on a tweet that has the happy thanksgiving hashtag, it’s not a heart it’s a turkey emoji.

Working hard, thank you!


don’t overthink it



good point. dumb money gambles billions. news at 11


I hope someone besides Elon made this code is not good determination.

anyone competent or able to leave would have left, it’s nearly a certainty only the garbage pile is left (outside the h1b’s who i truly feel sorry for)

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Maybe I’m buying into the hype. But I think that the vast majority of Twitter folks are probably pretty impressive with a range of talents across several different measures. There will be a few duds, but would guess that many of these are “very good at x, but terrible overall because of y”

it’s even more fucked up. h1bs are better be going on interviews and grabbing any opportunity that opens up, but the paperwork required to transfer employment takes a few weeks under the best circumstances. and elon laid off all or almost all of HR in the first round.

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My android app feature pushing suggested lists to follow died yesterday.

No talk of this?

Hide yo kids, hide yo wife