Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

THis comment made me smile, unsure if it actually happened but lol if so:


/slaps forehead

Can someone dumb this down for me? I know RATM and NIN and I know Eve6 is a band. Elon is a douche and Brandon I assume is a turd sandwich. What is being said?

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I tried to figure it out, but failed. Some key pieces of the exchange seem to be missing.

Haha so funny elon. Guess that’s why you made the #stay @ work shirts!

I assumed that it’s because people are assuming the right wing guy thinks that Trent Reznor and RATM are the same and the Eve 6 dug up a post of thy guy praising Eve6


Elon is self aware enough to know he should also be on this panel right?

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What do y’all think about shortening the title to: “Douchebag 2.0—an Elon company”?



That’s a tall order

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He is good at cooking.

I’m not good at cooking. His recipes are usually too complicated for me but I like his style and the supplemental info he provides. An exception was his chili recipe from a few days ago. Dirt simple. :+1:

I wasn’t planning to buy a Tesla but I will now think poorly of anyone else who chooses to buy one now that Elon has gone full racist.

What about those of us who bought one before he went full maga dipshit? Is this like the Nike boycotts where now I have to destroy something he’s already benefited from? I absolutely love the car, and absolutely hate Musk. Would love to see him removed from Tesla and shot to mars on a one way trip.

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No, I wouldn’t hold judgements against those who already own a Telsa.

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Ok cool, I need a bumper sticker or sign in my window that says “purchased in 2021, pre Elon outing himself as a full fledged douche”.




Thelma and Louise the car (empty). Really your only option.

Great use of the auto-pilot.


Just make sure there aren’t any children between it and the cliff. It’ll swerve right into them and never go over.