Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

There’s something extra special about this tweet being promoted in current day twitter. (I don’t know what prompted actually means)

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Asking for discounts to continue to do business is not the same thing as stiffing vendors for services already provided. Are they not paying their bills?

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of course it’s good someone is looking at this, but if you’re going to test a “dangerous” feature like this, why the fuck would you do it live with actual school children around? extraordinarily reckless if you believe the claim lol (which I do, the cars are for sure dangerous). Like were you trying to demonstrate “see, it can’t identify school children?” like, of course it can’t, it wasn’t designed to do that or anticipate those kinds of scenarios, and if they wanted to fix it, they likely wouldn’t do it that way either lol. They’d probably just make it like from 7-5pm you go the school zone speed limit on auto pilot.

Not to Merrick Garland.

He’s not a good businessman. He’s just a moron whose only talents are for raising capital, hiring a talented and motivated workforce, and landing big contracts. He doesn’t know the first thing about business management!

He’s just a moron whose only talents are for raising capital, hiring a talented and motivated workforce, and landing big contracts.

I guess starting out rich and doing shady deals are a kind of talent so I’ll give him two out of three.

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All these people banging the “he built 3 companies therefore he’s awesome” drum better show up here in 24 months when Twitter and Tesla are both in shambles.

He’s a button mashing buffoon whose insane sun run is finally ending.


Threatening to, and/or actually stop an unrelated company from doing business with a supplier in order to get lower prices is an abuse of market power.

It would be very illegal on Australia.

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My uneducated guess is both Twitter and Tesla will be ok. Maybe diminished somewhat in value but some of that would have happened anyway. Musk might have to be convinced to step away. He will personally be fine; he won’t end up in the street with me.

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Can you be a billionaire and be happy? Those two things have to be opposites for the vast majority of humans.

I think I could make it work.


I think I’d be miserable pretty quick. I need a purpose. The only things billionaires ever seem to get obsessed with are:

  1. trying to get richer
  2. dick-measuring themselves against other billionaires
  3. trying to somehow cheat death
  4. taking a 90-second joy ride in space

The only thing that would make my truly happy as a billionaire would also make me not be a billionaire.

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I would be one of the space billionaires. Basically the only thing I always wanted to do and could never afford. I do want to go all the way to the moon though. Not just an earth orbit.

I certainly subscribe to the idea that there is a point, the amount of which varies for everyone, where you go from happy/appreciating great material wealth, to being pissed you don’t have more and/or people don’t respect you more for having the wealth you have. Some of the richest people I know are just bitter, miserable, cheapskates.

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There’s been some studies. From what I remember money buys happiness up to a point, usually around middle class. Beyond that people tend not to get happier as money increases. Also spending money on stuff that gives you more free time tends to make people happier than material stuff. There was one study where they gave people extra money, and in one group they told people to spend it on things like house cleaning services, lawn care, etc. so they no longer had to do those chores. In another group they told them to buy material shit like a bigger TV or whatever. By whatever metric they used to measure happiness the people who used it to get more free time were happier.


90s kids will get this


He may not be everyone’s cup of tea but Adam Ragusea refers to some of these studies in his podcast episode Champagne Problems and the Nature of Happiness. It varies by location/culture. In Latin America you need a lot less than US/Europe. In the US I think you approach a happiness asymptote at an income of just over $100K/yr.

People do have a predispostion towards happiness and or unhappiness though. Money doesn’t change that.

Crappy screen cap:

Table includes 3 measures of “happiness”. Study was published in Nature Human Behavior in 2018.