Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company



Wow. He’s Donald trump but actually a billionaire.

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On “managing” Elon


This of course was completely obvious to anyone even remotely paying attention. There are smart people working at space X and they take money that Elon scams out of people/governments/whatever and turn it into cool space stuff. But it’s been obvious for a decade the musk is a galactic level moron with zero talent other than for scamming. It’s a pretty sad victory lap but I remember having this exact conversation at some point on this site and fully predicting that this was exactly the case.


To be fair SpaceX scams governments less than any other launch provider and old-space companies like Boeing are completely shitting the bed in response but as you said the smart people at SpaceX are the ones actually getting things done.

You will find that in the engineering domain, and I’m sure many others, understanding how senior management ticks and putting on a show for them in a way to manipulate them into making the right decisions is pretty widespread. Even the smart ones who worked their way up are susceptible to this. Elon takes it a step further by inserting himself in day to day operations and fucking things up more than usual, but the practices that intern is describing are not that uncommon.




it’s because high level tech managers, even very good ones, seem to think that they can digest extremely complicated topics that their engineers have worked for months on in minutes and understand it on the level their engineers do, which is rarely if ever the case. the best tech managers i’ve seen don’t really even try and ask questions related to scope, cost, risk, etc, and dont try to understand the super fine details.

I’m not sure if that’s the interview WaPo wanted, but it’s the interview they deserved.

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Taylor Lorenz is their “young tech reporter” so I’m sure she knew what to expect. The rest of WaPo? maybe not.

My in-laws are here from the DC area, and are Post readers. I can’t wait to try to explain Dril to them. Or my wife for that matter.

“He’s spending all his money on candles, but isn’t willing to stop even though his family is suffering. How is that not hilarious?”


My niece’s boyfriend works for some space company I can never remember the name of. They were tasked with designing and building an unmanned shuttle to deliver people back and forth to the space station.

Which is kinda awesome. But at the same time apparently NASA is funding a half dozen or more of these in a scattershot approach hoping one actually works. His company now is apparently in the un-fun phase where they realize the product isn’t going anywhere and everyone is just showing up and collecting a paycheck (IE - US govt money).

I think what Elon and the rest of the DERP mob don’t get is that corporations aren’t “woke” because they’re run by liberals. They’re woke because they employ a diverse workforce, including gay and trans people.

The AT&T CEO is a deplorable asshole. But even he came out and said you can’t say “All Lives Matter” - because AT&T employs a lot of black people, and didn’t want to see the company tear itself apart. Elon’s not losing advertisers because the CEO of Target is a trans ally, but because CBS employs LGBTQ people.

So unless Elon can build a company of turd incels who can somehow run one of the web’s major site, it will be a mess. And if he does build a company of turd incels, my guess is the policies and moderation implementation will eventually drive off regular users and advertisers.


As founding director of the first Center for Dril Studies, I can’t fathom why I didn’t get called for a quote on this. Shoddy work imo.

If Elon is going to go full republican I don’t see how it won’t effect Telsa.

It’s a sign of the times if Elon’'s behavior at Twitter affects Tesla more than Elon being anti-union and making Tesla the only major American car company without a union.


Tesla’s primary appeal is their brand identity, not the quality of their vehicles. Elon Musk bringing a tech bro mentality to the auto industry was something a lot of people wanted to bet on. So yeah, this shit absolutely could turn people off from buying a Tesla, especially as the competition is ramping up.

Like the Donald Trump decision the poll doesn’t matter. The decision has already been made

Is inciting an insurrection and stealing classified documents considered breaking the law? Asking for a friend.

Sounds like Sierra Nevada’s Dream Chaser