Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

A big part of being a great programmer is writing stuff that isn’t a nightmare to maintain and build on few years down the line.

Of course if your boss is a capricious nutjob, and all you care about is getting a feature into production now, you can push out a lot of slop that makes you look like a whiz.

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Why is he talking critical hired didn’t he just lay off thousands?


Right, that’s kind of what I’m talking about. It’s pretty easy to write a regulation that does one very specific thing, but most of the ways you could write it may cause problems in other areas or for other regulated entities that are unintended. Drafting a regulation that accomplishes the objective while effectively integrating with the rest of the regulatory regime is really hard, and not at all obvious.

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Nope. Just @KarenMAGA485728925 and the like. Some bigger accounts thrown in. Some progressives, too. No rhyme or reason. It’s not like the most popular QTs are at the top either


Kathy Griffin says hi.

Jesus christ

Right wingers were banned left and right for just a little bit of armed resistance talk here and there.

Well, name one SINGLE lib who was banned for advocating drinking the blood of infants to stay young! Case and point, libtard.

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He would have been absolutely crucified on Twitter.


That was worded poorly. I meant having a willingness to attempt to analyze his work from a neutral viewpoint. Its absolutely a waste of time and a red flag in-and-of-itself etc, but one can do that and still have overwhelmingly liberal political positions in the American sense.

Harris is problematic because afaict this is a significant part of the niche he’s carved out for himself, so what he thinks the top marginal tax rate etc should be becomes irrelevant.

If there was any doubt at all whether or not Musk is a complete piece of garbage, this should remove it.



Too HARDCORE For Hallmark Christmas!

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Yes small towns are filled with handsome/beautiful straight people in their early 30s.


Wow, very original playbook here.


It must be so easy to get an MBA these days, on day one they just put up a slide that says BE AN ASSHOLE. Then you’re done.


One of his “lieutenants” lol

You mean one of his sniveling minions.

Dude is going full Daniel Plainview right before our eyes

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