Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

And also instantly fire any employee who sticks up for their department when boss baby attacks them on twitter. Because that is the way of Free Speech.

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Think about it, the costs of running twitter are more than the costs of google adding a twitter service to their existing user accounts.

They didn’t before because there was no demand for it.

I have no idea how hard it is to add a tweet function on top of the services Google has. Doubt they can reuse much besides their datacenter infrastructure. Twitter most valuable asset is not their users or even the ability to tweet anyway. It is the ability to target ads to those users and Google already has plenty of other ways to do that without having to spend money on additional infrastructure.

The problem with Google making a Twitter clone isn’t the infrastructure or coding difficulty, it’s everything else. Something will fill the Twitter vacuum (or create a new product that dominates it) and if history is any indication, we don’t currently know what it is.


Like what?

I get all of that. But in this case we know people want to be on twitter, but not particularly on Musk’s twitter. Just clone that shit for like $3.50 (or whatever, Google has the resources) and see what happens. It’s like a lottery ticket.

Seems like they may not just be concerned about the money they lose from failing directly, but also on how a failure would damage the overall brand. Google doesn’t need to win the lottery at this point. That’s a game for the poor and hungry, not for the rich and monopolistic. Google’s much more concerned with not being the next Yahoo than with being the next Google.


I kind of thought that big companies take cheap shots with potential big payouts all the time. They do like to make even more money although they may have a lot.

Granted most of these the types of shots involve buying out smaller companies, I don’t know that it necessarily needs to be that way.

Celebrities drove Twitter and celebrities are ‘liberal.’ Twitter is now a RW shithole, the celebrities will go elsewhere. #semi-sweetsummerchild

Google’s taking some shots, but the ones I see are, like, Google Health, expanding into new areas. I agree that for most big companies, their shots look more like buying someone out rather than trying new things themselves. I’d be pretty surprised if Google launches its own Twitter me-too, even if Twitter totally collapses. I’d be less so if they do it by way of buying out some startup of ex-Twitter folk who are making it happen but need capital and infrastructure and the all important gravitas to get the network effects going.

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All 14 of them?

No idea what this means or why it’s hearted by so many?

You are claiming the right is pro porn?

I think he might mean both are dominating twitter? That’s what I took it to mean. (Also the right are hypocrites)

Companies like Google take shots at what could be the next TicToc or someone that makes VR popular. Twitter is a known business that struggled to make money. They are also happy to buy and kill anything new before it challenges their profits.

there is no reason twitter cannot be profitable. I think they’ve made some silly business decisions, like for instance shutting down vine (still nothing out there like vine lol). I don’t pretend to know its issues but a horrifically bad UI probably does not help ad revenue and it’s been puzzling to me they’ve left that essentially untouched since twitter went online. Like, I don’t understand why for instance when I view a reply to a tweet I don’t normally see the replies in a threaded way that make any sort of sense unless I click a few times, and even then not always. I don’t understand the point of a social media app where people can’t make and follow a conversation, just seems to be a ton of people shouting into the void.

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I am sure twitter can be profitable but if it was a big money maker then that would have shown itself by now. It is just too difficult for advertisers to get clicks and visibility. I get all my twitter content through third parties so never see any of their ads which is a problem if you want to make money.

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approximate odds musk now has access to state secrets because trump was an idiot in his dm’s?

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The right are a bunch of hypocrites who will support any person or product that advances their own power, or which “owns the libs.” Their “family values morality” is a hoax. See Trump, Donald.

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Of course, but they are not going to promote a site whose main income is porn. That’s what started this discussion.