Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company


I think it’s a favorite at this point that he took a bag from a dictator or two to run Twitter into the ground.


It’s 100% management theater for his own ego. It’s why he’s so weirdly insistent on everyone showing up in person to work, so he can do stupid alpha male bullshit like this.

It really is starting to look borderline deliberate. Being like “hey in-demand experienced software engineers, fuck you, fuck your workplace ideals, stop remote working and sign on for hardcore work. OR, would you like 3 months severance right before Christmas?”. Like what do you think the result is going to be?

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Elon is a fucking loser who is addicted to twitter. He is using his money to own it and get ego gratification not as an actual investment. He will run it in the red if he has too.

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Pretty easy to fire people in 49 states where you can be fired for any reason that is not part of being a protected class.

You shirt too white? Fired. You walk too slow from your car to the entrance? Fired. (Unless you are disabled then they need to make up a different reason).

If it was like this from the start then it doesn’t add up that he tried to get out of the deal.

If this occurred after he bought Twitter, why bother? 90% chance he runs it into the ground anyway. It’s not news that Musk is an egomaniac eager to please right wing fanboys.

Why don’t the code reviewers just write the code themselves if they can tell if it works or could be done better?

It’s not news around here, it’s news to most people I think.

Except their whole relaunch of badges, we don’t need no stinking badges is the tuesday after the holiday weekend. At least that was the plan before everyone else quit.

Comparative advantage

Which is a short way of saying they probably could write the code themselves, but they are likely working on harder or different types of problems

Still, owning twitter is a major win for the right wing/fascists (until it is hopefully replaced by something else)

Code review is not “does this fix the requested issue or implement the requested feature” its “does this code look like it doesn’t suck”. This is not the same as the former its more or less a perfunctory step, 80%+ of my requested shit is just glance and hit ok.

I really have to think 95% of twitter engineers would pass the the “W/o knowing any context, does this code obviously suck?” test.

But it might be a good way of gauging fealty.

I can code.

10 PRINT “Hello, world!”
20 GOTO 10


decent twitter clone


No way. I’m full Hanlon’s Razor here. We really do live in a society mostly driven by dumb fucks mashing buttons.


I’ve seen this a few times:

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I assume that if he runs it into the ground then Twitter needs to declare bankruptcy putting its name and IP up for sale to the highest bidder. Plenty of people including Jack Dorsey would love to buy it at that point and just start it back up without its debt burden. So it would only work if they are willing to continue to shovel a couple of billion into it each year for no returns.

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