Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

vrunt is a comedy account fyi

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Account is an Aug. 2022 registration date. Reg date within the last two years or so is always a good indicator of a troll, best to ignore.

Are you suggesting I shouldn’t look to TeslaGigaGirl for important content?



works as designed. won’t fix.

Stop posting this stuff. You’re just helping Skynet LEARN.

This keeps getting better and better.


Jesus Christ.


He’s explicitly stated this is his goal from the beginning. All non blue ticks go behind a greyed-out tab that no one ever looks at. Like when someone you don’t know reaches out to you on Facebook.

So twitter is now Truth Social?



Um, do I know you? I’m wracking my brain to figure out when and where I might have interacted with you in such a way that would warrant this response to me.

Because I am a nerd with ADHD who tends to hyperfixate, trust me when I say that I’ve read numerous scholarly articles on this subject and I find it fascinating.

Here’s a list from Google on the philosophy side of it: Pick your poison:

And the civil engineering/safety side you (and most people, to be fair) are looking at it the wrong way. You shouldn’t be taking each self-driving car as an individual vehicle. For the cases of engineering and safety, the entire paradigm needs to shift to consider these cars as nodes on a giant network, that interact with each other at all times. The more nodes, the more interactions and information that belongs to every self-driving car.

A line of self-driving cars lined up at a stoplight will not behave the same way as a line of up of human-driven cars will. You see every day, when the light turns green, when the first guy goes, the second lifts their foot off the brake but waits to accelerate, and on back to where the light could be green for 30 seconds before the guy at the back starts to move. Well if the cars were all Computer controlled and pinging off each other…they would all start moving at the same time, or microseconds apart at the longest. That type of traffic control thing is what I mean when I say they’ll be safer when the human drivers are out of the equation.

ANY time a human driver gets into an edge case like the “run into the wall or swerve into a pedestrian” scenario I used previously, they are literally making the same decision as an AI would have to make.

Obviously the tech isn’t there yet. Should we stop working on it altogether? The biggest roadblock to more development and testing is our current mindset, so aptly demonstrated here.


T3 says hi


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I wish twitter wasn’t such a subpar user experience that needs a lot of improvement so I would not be nodding in approval of some of this stuff Elon says.


I am fine with scrapping self-driving cars altogether, yes. Just melt them all for scrap, as far as I’m concerned. Have them self-drive themselves into a volcano. Who cares? It’s a terrible technology with no demonstrable advantage over a human driver aside from allowing billionaires to play Hot Wheels with our roadways, traffic control systems, and, as I said, human lives.


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This is such a bad take it has to satire right?

RIP to a real one