Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Wow US at 3x Australia’s rate is stark. We get yearly news reporting about road deaths being the scourge of Australian existence.

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Scooters, not cars, but something like this would be nice.

The parenthetical is what got me to lol

Yeah literally anyone can see the network requests with Chrome dev tools.

I have seen now the guts of 2 fairly decent sized websites that worked on microservice architecture (does anyone do it differently anymore?) and I think it’s probably a universal truth that you can’t just start blindly shutting off microservices and expect shit not to break everywhere. I used to be utterly terrified to roll pods in a namespace I wasn’t quite familiar with, like, the repercussions of this stuff and how they all interact together are extremely complicated. Twitter operates on a scale perhaps bigger than any site out there too other than obvious ones you can think of like

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apparently twitter is only 12 years from them running their entire remote proxy through a sole macbook in a closet no one knew about til they turned it off, I doubt they’re so well engineered by this point that you can be like “WELP MICROSERVICE ARCHITECTURE STATES THAT NONE OF THESE SERVICES SHOULD BE SO ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL AND TIGHTLY COUPLED THAT STUFF BREAKS IF THEY’RE TUREND OFF SO UR FIRED IF STUFF BREAKS NOW HA HA HA I AM GENIUS”


This ain’t rocket science, tech bros. If you have too many microdoodles, you turn off some microdoodles.


if you knew how much self loathing i’ve accumulated over the years knowing my education i spent too much blood sweat and tears on would end up with me 95% of the time just restarting the thing and seeing what happens

reminds me of a pretty funny joke my old boss told. my old old company was a bunch of PhD’s and then me with an undergrad so I caught quite a lot of teasing about it, good natured of course. Anyway we were on a company outing on a boat, which I was driving due to my former captain experience, and it broke down in quite an embarrassing way in front of my old job. I tried restarting it once, no dice, so I called the rental company. Meanwhile my old boss restarts it again and it works.

He says in this quiet wise little voice “That’s the difference between undergrad and PhD. Undergrad only restarts once.”



Serious question…

Do you guys think we need an Elon-bot?

Are his tweets newsworthy enough for us to be following here?

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Gross. No. Somewhere else if you want.

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They are probably newsworthy sometimes, in the same vein Trump’s ‘truths’ are sometimes comedy gold (making the bot worth it), but he communicates in such an annoying arrogant way which, imo, is way more tilting than Trumps outwardly idiotic communications

Twitter employees going to have to replace MacBooks w chromebooks.

New Head of Engineering for twitter maybe?


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antagonizing and cutting employees while doing a major app rewrite under time pressure. i am sure this will work out well in the end. :roll_eyes: