Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company


Yea that could be useful.

The current reply order I see goes something like:

  1. My follows
  2. Author likes (this is a new feature - they seem to be high but I’m not sure exactly the algorithm)
  3. Most likes and replies
  4. Who knows because I never get that far down

Sometimes I bubble up to the top of category #3 on a really popular tweet, and my notifications go bananas. That would never happen in the future with a system like the one Elon is describing.

During Charlottesville I got 100s of 1000s of views this way spreading stuff about Richard Spencer. I made it a mission for a few days.

Losing that, and my follows being greyed out in replies because they don’t pay $8, would make the site a lot shittier.

Yeah I know he’s a terrible person IRL. But his motivational stuff is pretty innocuous compared to the typical PUA Alpha Dog (like Tom Cruise in Magnolia) that I was expecting.

I don’t think Elon understands the apartheid like segregation he is creating is going to end up ruining the usability, first for the have nots, and then for the haves when there is nobody left to care what they say.

I think most people probably read twitter, more than reply and tweet, but most of those people will not like feeling like their voice is squelched but not important enough to pay $8.

PMs always get shit on first when things go bad. Any devs left at twitter are too valuable to the day to day operations to shit all over. So they’ll take it out on non-devs.

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Basically threatening them with the economy, lol. Nice job you have there bucko! You want to work from home?!?!

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Putting $8 above #3 guarantees every popular tweet will have replies drowned by scam marketing offers that have an $8/mo marketing budget.


bye bye talent

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Seriously, why would even one person work for this asshole?

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I don’t really know what taking the company private really means. Especially from a spectators point of view. If Twitter starts bleeding 5 billion a year or whatever, is there anyway for us plebs to know?

Did you buy the t fal, because I just ordered that one yesterday.

The only way they get half their revenue from subscriptions is if ad revenue drops by 90%.

“We need roughly half of our revenue to be subscription.” Musk’s Twitter also has to pay off the $13 billion in debt he used to complete the $44 billion purchase. Twitter’s interest expenses on its debt are set to balloon from $50 million to $1 billion per year

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Not really. And Elon can claim poverty regardless of circumstance.

Visionary leader!

Yep. I always thought the Twitter reply situation was unsustainable one way or another. Too much democracy.

Powerful folks hate it because if you make a good point you can go viral.

I’ve got (brilliant) academics on my feed talking about how twitter put them on equal footing with (less brilliant) big names.


Man they are going to get sued a lot.

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