Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Yea, the way he treats his employees and will fire people on the spot for upsetting him, like a petulant child, kinda pushes back against the idea that he has any PR skills.

I thought the same thing when I read it. They look strikingly similar.

workers demanding a larger share of the wealth produced from their direct labor is a RIDICULOUS concept to elon

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I know the reactions of his cult before I went down the rabbithole.


It’s different when your company indirectly gets $1,500,000,000+ from the government because reasons, though.

Interesting thread

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I assume you mean this whistleblower.


Apparently SpaceX is about to raise a couple billion dollars at a $46 billion valuation, which would make it one of the largest private companies in the U.S. Is it too soon to start talking about whether Elon Musk is the greatest businessman in American history?

Greatest hype man seems like a lock.

Matthew Lesko is America’s “greatest” businessman and I will accept no arguments to the contrary. Good day to you, sir.

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tesla $2k/share and ford motor company is under $7/share. i do not understand it. you can’t even legally buy a new tesla in michigan.

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In total seriousness, investment professionals have cleverly coined the term “momentum strategies” because it sounds better than “when the market is rising stupidly get in while the getting is good and pray you get out before the inevitable crash”. If you think “sophisticated” money is too smart to fall for that, I am sad to report that many large pension plans are enthusiastic about momentum strategies. Its not speculation if you frown thoughtfully and nod seriously in pension committee meetings!


Well Ford isn’t run by the greatest businessman of all time, now, is it?

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[quote="beetlejuice, post:403, topic:1697] i do not understand it. you can’t even legally buy a new tesla in michigan.

That’s pretty funny.

This just a jab or is it actually illegal to buy one? If so, why?

Wasn’t even founded by him!

Because the Big Three are terrified of Tesla and lobbied to keep them from selling directly to customers.


I’m not self-hating enough to look them up, but there’s gotta be plenty of spicy ts takes in bfi if anyone is interested.

Michigan just changed, actually. Here’s a full list. bans like this are mostly due to the car dealership lobby rather than the big three

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Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Google are all over a trillion market cap and Facebook not far behind. If valuation is the criteria, not much of a case. If P/E ratio is the criteria, then…well, still a ways to go to catch Zoom.