Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

It is pretty lucky for Elon to be a Q conspiracy kind of idiot though. Rich liberals want a cool electric car, but he hasn’t alienated conservative assholes who hate Priuses.

To be fair Apple just hit 2 trillion. Please don’t lump them in with those peasant 1 trillion companies.

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There’s a lot of variance in first-business value, so it’s not a great metric. Starting a second hugely successful business is very suggestive that the first success wasn’t just a fluke. Plus, both Musk and Bezos started space companies specifically, so it’s an apples-to-apples comparison.


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Day One: implant successful, fantastic thanks Elon!

Day Twelve: at last I found the courage to say to hell with the loan, I want a Tesla.

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And I want to be a Mars Pioneer!

it’s a thing. Of course, it’s a common concept in sci-fi and near-future fiction, but this is essentially what he’s doing.



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5x the Energy but only +16% Range … eh?

Maybe they’re using fewer cells? Or perhaps the 5x is the theoretical energy density, but operationally they aren’t fully charging/discharging them for longevity reasons?

I’m guessing they are allocating some of the new power to systems other than range, like auto drive etc.

Auto drive surely doesn’t use up that much power.

It’s 5.5 times the volume of the old cell. Revolutionary!

It’s just BS imo. Basically what SenorKeed said. These are the old batteries and the new ones are mostly just larger.

5x energy and 6x power implies that these batteries shrink time itself.

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It means they have a higher discharge rate.

As dishonest as that ad is I wouldn’t trust anything from them. Is the 16% increase in range just because there is a greater volume of total batteries? Probably not but, who knows?

I like my explanation better.