Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Is it worth $8/month if you can hasten the downfall of Twitter and Musk?

LOL you don’t even get no ads.


i dont pretend to be an expert but it seems to me the dumbest possible way to monetize twitter. it seems like it’s born out of this naive “what if we got 1 billion people subbing at $8? that’d be almost ONE HUNDRED BILLION a year! I am a genius right? tell me I am a genius”

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Downfall of Twitter, maybe. But no matter what happens with Twitter I don’t think it’ll be the downfall of Musk.

isnt twitter now financed mostly by tesla stock? which practically afaik musk’s entire net worth is wrapped up in? if twitter actually goes under (doubtful, someone will buy it) couldnt it cause a collapse of TSLA since this is all built on a house of cards anyway

Agreed. He thinks he can get the entire base to pay $8 a month, while no bots or scammers pay anything. It’s like something one of the 5th grade business basics kids I taught would propose.

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I would not mourn the downfall of an anti-union car company.


Remember when Elon was going to cure world hunger for $6 billion? That was only a year ago.


yea like I’m a lazy content creator and the perfect market for that, my tweets dont get seen much, but i dont really care i guess, i cant think of a reason id ever subscribe for a service where my shitposts get blasted louder to all 20 of my followers, lol

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Even if Twitter is completely unchanged by going to a mandatory $8/month subscription, I think like 2% of their users would buy it.

It’s Internet Economics 101. Basically nobody will pay for a service out of principle.

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It’s going to be amazing when Twitter is bringing in less subscription revenue than Chapo Trap House

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unleash the stephen king bots.

hahaohwow.gif half of what? half of a terrible user experience?

tesla falling apart and springing back as 5-10 smaller companies would probably be good for us. instead, we’ll have tesla at a smaller market share, and teh rest split among gm/ford/nissan. it’s … not as good

he actually tried to play it off as you can’t solve world hunger for that much money. the number probably meant to avert world hunger on a timescale of like a few years. of course he wouldn’t pony up anything to feed even a single person or country

maybe elon shoulda taken that running twitter 101 course

to me it seems simple - twitter’s hard to define precisely but it’s essentially a social media site with a very strangely confusing interface. It is very hard to be seen and grow on twitter compared to literally any other platform, so I could see how the idiot muskbrain would be like “ok, they’ll pay to be seen then.” But like, no - look at tiktok. I’ve seen stuff accidentally go viral so much because it’s extremely (to a freaky degree) good at showing users precisely what they want to see, it costs nothing, and they are absolutely SHOVELING in the revenue. If social media companies want to succeed they’re going to have to try to emulate the strategies of tiktok, whether that’s good or bad I don’t know, but they’re going to have to.


I wonder how much lasting effect 44 billion could have on hunger. But I guess it better that banks get it.

What if Twitter didn’t charge for blue check marks but charged for everything else Musk offered? Who would pay to see their replies prioritized for viewing by RWNJs?

they all think twitter is some sort of public square belonging to everyone. which is a contrived analogy. it’s not owned by the public, and it’s not a good forum for disseminating ideas to the public eitehr.

but the analogy gets even worse for elon once you think how a public square “earns” money. which i would describe as taxes and rent. so, to me that says it would need

  1. public funding, which is LOL, FU NO! i would personally write checks to anyone running against public funding of twitter, and
  2. high rent businesses that serve those in the public square, which is even more LOL because click rates are low as is, and so much of it isn’t serving the user anything, but rather collect data, groom them for clickbait, and algorithmically sell the impressions.