Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

@skydiver8 - I don’t really know what “rose twitter” is, but isn’t that a rose next to Elon? Is he “rose twitter”?

Take some of Amazon’s $$$ and divvy it up among the people sounds good to me. I’d rather the poor get a larger share, but we can quibble about that later.

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This is a good idea. Amazon has about $50B cash on hand. That’s $150 per person in the US. Not bad. If you mean their market cap ($3T), I dunno, you could force people to sell their stock, but that’s not exactly Amazon’s money. A wealth tax seems like the best way to get at that.

lol, i don’t think Elon knows what it is either…because he’s like, the anti-rose-twitter. Rose twitter is far left, DSA, rabid Bernie supporters and those even further left.

“rose twitter” is mostly considered to be DSA people (their logo is a rose) and Elon is not that. Don’t know why he has the rose, could be that he saw it on reddit as some troll move and just copied it

Yeah, Elon’s trolling with the rose twitter thing.


Trolling makes sense.

Yang was standing between Bernie and the glorious socialist uprising that fills our hearts and dreams, comrade.

That’s a cute story, but the people who disliked Yang were not the vocal Bernie supporters. The anti-Yang people were more like Democratic Party loyalists.

I kid I kid. You Bernie Bros are so sensitive!

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Meh. I disliked yang. Not on a personal level, he seemed nice, but his UBI plans were bullshit.

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I seem to remember quite a few people on the left calling him out for being a tech-bro neoliberal.

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I think you were the main anti-Yang dude. Not sure where to put you - somewhere in the large “I voted for Bernie, but mostly like to chastise Bernie supporters” group, alternatively called the “Sure Biden sucks, but don’t you dare say it!” club.


I wasn’t the only one, and my main beef was that his plan involves dismantling the social safety net, so it’s a little weird to peg me as a DNC fanboy. Welfare “reform” (reduction) was the stock and trade of the Clinton neoliberals, no?

Perhaps, but you’re pretty close to the #1 dude for scolding people who say things bad about eDems.

Yeah, but there was no UBI. Clinton flat out wanted to do the Republican stuff - cut it back, throw people off it for getting parking tickets, drug test everyone, etc…

I wasn’t Yang-gang, but his whole platform was pretty left wing, not neo-liberal, and him being categorized as an Elon Muskish tech-bro thing was very wrong.

Well I don’t agree with this. Maybe this author is legit liberal enough for you:

The name “Yang” doesn’t even appear in that article. What do you think you’re disagreeing with me about?

That’s absurd.

The closest you can get to this is that the $1000/month would count as income and some people would move off of something like welfare if and only if the UBI was a greater benefit and pushed their income to a level that no longer qualified. Doesn’t touch other benefits like social security, or schools, or medicare or anything remotely resembling “dismantling the social safety net”.

ah, the I got mine now fuck you stage


My first instinct was to come in here and argue every point I disagreed with.

I’m not going to. Instead I will just say what I like about Yang.

He is thoughtful and actually cares about trying to make peoples lives better. I don’t always agree with his conclusions or ideas but if you pressed him on why he supports things he will actually have an answer that is not a talking point that he memorized. He can go into the weeds about any subject you press him on and if he can’t he will tell you he can’t and that he needs to get more info on it.

These are the types of people that I want to be in leadership positions.