Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

I’ll take bets at even money that Musk loses - either has pay a penalty (including a settlement) or buy Twitter.

True. I’d probably be open to a bet that the fine has to be at least x billion.

But I was mostly responding to the people that are claiming he’s just going to get off.

intersting thought. i would take the over on $1b fine, and under on $5b.


I maybe hate musk more than I hate trump, didn’t think it possible. this whole thing is a plea for attention

we don’t actually want musk to lose here, fyi. if he ends up owning twitter, trump’s back on it, and who knows how many societal effects otherwise because we’ve somehow made social media companies the gatekeepers for complete societal collapse.

They can settle on whatever terms they want to.

However the twitter board is guaranteed to get sued if they take substantially less than the agreed upon price.

Would that happen in this same Delaware Court of Chancery?

I wish George Soros could buy Twitter.


Did Delaware repeal the business judgment rule or something? I’m sure they would get sued by somebody, but there’s no way they lose that case.

I’m still a sweet summer child and think the law will win out over Musk. I’ll bet even money up to 100 that Musk ends up paying at least 4 billion.

I’m in if we can put a date on it. At least 4 billion on or before 7/1/23?

Yeah this is not going well for Elon

It seems like most big firm lawyers have exactly one gear in litigation: balls to the wall assholery. Take the most aggressive position possible at every turn and try to bully the opponent into submission.

This is quite obviously is a terrible strategy when dealing with an opponent with the same (infinite) resources, in front of a smart judge and with such poor facts.

You mean not going well for Elon?

Yes fixed thanks

It’s usually based on the client. Most negotiations are very reasonable, although I have run across a few partners that are just always super aggressive that is not the norm.

I’m sure Elon is pushing his lawyers to take unreasonable positions.


I’ve always wondered about this. I’ve seen some really ugly litigation, usually among family or former business partners, where the lawyers are super nasty and condescending to each other in their filings. Is it common for the attorneys to do this basically for show? It can be really convincing!

By 7/1/23, I think at least one of the following will occur:

  • court orders Musk to consummate the purchase
  • Musk drops his objections and announces his intent to finalize the purchase at the original terms
  • Musk and Twitter formally agree to a purchase at a revised price
  • Musk and Twitter announce a formal settlement for at least $4 billion from Musk to Twitter

Is that reasonable?

It’s probably reasonable, but I want to bet on whether the breakup fee+ is actually paid, or the specific performance actually occurs. The court ordering things and Musk making announcements are a far cry from these things actually happening, and I think his team just continually kicking the can down the road is a very distinct possibility.