Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

“Terminated” is an interesting choice of wording for that headline, or did I miss some new development?

All the news headlines make it sound like this is a win for Elon but I think the angle that it is better for this judge to hear all of these claims now because otherwise it would open the case to a potential appeal or second lawsuit makes a lot of sense.

Yeah the judges actual opinion is full of thinly veiled snark and he lost on by far the most important thing, delaying the trial.


The stock market seems pretty excited about the opinion. Spread dropped from $16 and change to $13.

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It’s the FSD!
It’s the carbon offsets!
It’s the batteries!


I don’t know who Gordon is, but he also doesnt know what the fuck he is talking about.


Yeah, his takes on fossil fuels seem to be worse than Elon’s takes on batteries.

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when you just can’t let go of that buyers remorse

Man, can you believe the timing of this whistleblower coming forward with allegations that are now central to Musk’s strategy?

Still interested to see if it’s possible to force the world’s richest man to do something he doesn’t want to do, but I’m not keeping my hopes up.

He told lawmakers he arrived at Twitter and discovered the company “was over a decade behind industry security standards” and prioritized monetizing advertising at the expense of widespread security vulnerabilities.

you could say this about practically any company

There is zero indication to date this judge is going to put up with any of his bullshit. The only items he’s won on are things limiting his appeal rights after he loses.

this whole thing really only goes to show what shallow, one-quarter-ahead-at-a-time short-sighted fucks people like musk are.

if i was an uber-billionaire (I laugh at descriptions of musk’s net worth which are built hugely upon the value of tesla stock) like musk, I would figure that although the dollar value of this deal is bad right now, having in your pocket the main platform people use to communicate and get news from, and until very recently was the leader of the ‘free’ world’s chosen method of communication, would probably be a valuable thing to me in some way.

but no, this is gonna hurt mah PROFITZ. lol. what do you need more money for dude?

He doesn’t? He just came down from the drugs he was on and now it’s a waaah I don’t wanna thing.

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The faith here int he rule of law (from you of all people who seem to get it in the Trump thread) is pretty lol. It doesn’t matter what this particular judge does or rules, “Fuck you, no” from billionaires remains undefeated.

Well this is going to be the extreme test case. Because he absolutely should lose and has zero leverage. Nor does he have millions of heavily armed lunatics he can use to threaten the judge.

Now, it’s absolutely possible he loses, the judge orders him to buy twitter, and he just says “fuck you no.” But I think it’s highly unlikely he doesn’t lose the case.

fuck RM. he’s going to get off isn’t he? at least he might destroy twitter in the process

Well it’ll be a great symbolic victory when he loses the case and then says “fuck you, no,” ties it up in appeals for 10 years, and ultimately never pays anything.

Despite everyone’s cynicism and pessimism I think this would be so undermining to the legitimacy of the Chancery Court that they won’t allow it. No merger agreement could be trusted again if the buyer can just back out with expensive lawyers and an “F you no” when the share price significantly drops before it closes.

It’s not like Musk can actually hide his wealth. If they order the transaction to go through and he refuses, it seems the court should be able to just seize his TSLA shares with the stroke of a pen and force them sold by some independent firm in order to come up with the proceeds.

There is the risk of him dragging it out with appeals but I think the judge is trying to minimize the avenues and would also take action to minimize the timeline since it is detrimental to twitter shareholders for the transaction to be indefinitely delayed.

Disclaimer: I bought a bunch of TWTR shares because I believe strongly he will lose so you guys could take that to mean I am biased or that I am strong in my convictions beyond just what I write. If share price is still in the low 40s as we approach Oct 17 I will probably try to buy call options that could be exercised a few weeks after the trial starts. Even if Musk can drag it out on appeals I think an initial verdict in Twitter’s favor is likely and will cause shares to jump.


He doesn’t have tons of courts to appeal to. It goes straight to the supreme court who definitely don’t want to undermine the Delaware Chancery Court. There is a reason almost all companies are incorporated in Delaware.