Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

maybe. 2-5 people could run a mastodon site/clone with decent traffic, but my gut feeling js that it would be as terrible as trythsocial generating revenue. just thinking out loud, they probably hired 50 engineers and another hundred sales/marketing, and going nowhere fast (i hope).

you could make the clone usable, but not at the scale of twitter with that many people. if you can do that with 2-5 people you need to start a company like ASAP

Gee I wonder why the billionaire potato man is upset about the new LOTR show.

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Lol I’m becoming like that with technology, I hate it all, I’d rather go live in the 1800’s with syphillis and dysentery and shit. pretty ironic given what I studied. I actually feel a huge amount of guilt about it sometimes.

musk though could probably barely tell you the plot of LOTR and I’d put my entire BR on he’s a “why didnt the eagles just fly frodo to mt doom” guy. 100%.

If you’re going to go back in time, 1800s is a horrible choice. You definitely wanna go Neolithic or earlier.

I’m going to ancient Greece, Rome, or Persia. I want some civilization.

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Elon is probably just mad that the show glossed over the First Age and only gave us a quick shot of the Two Trees of Valinor. That’s probably what his issue is. I suspect he’s working on his own show that will cover the forging of the Silmarils.


I’d probably be killed for eating beans or insisting the square root of 2 was irrational or something.


You’d probably be too busy figuring out the best religion to join to avoid being crucified or fed to beasts for sport. You had to stay on your toes back then.


is that really worse than what we have now?

I assume it’s the black hobbit driving him insane?

I mean weren’t 9/10 people slaves back then? Gotta trust your luck before you even start.

Sauron was just trying to Make Middle Earth Great Again.


Hey! I’m one of those guys. I don’t suppose you could give me the short answer.

my rusty understanding of that is:

the eagles (forget their races name) were not really beholden to the affairs of any of these people nor did they care much, and I can’t remember how they owed gandalf a favor but they did.

beyond that though, people that say this tend to forget somehow that Sauron had 9 frickin scary ass riders on god damn dragons, plus he (and them) could sense the ring as well. Frodo’s entry into mordor was not obvious at all and the Eye was a factor as well, it’s not like you’d want to announce your presence by something as obvious as an eagle waltzing through mordor.

the whole plot of fellowship was assembling a very small team to sneak into mordor because of this precise fact

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Thanks. I suppose if someone asked me to guess why the eagles didn’t fly them, I would have come up with something along those lines.

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People are mad about black people in a Medieval fantasy setting but no one minds that they have potatoes.


As long as the black hobbits pick the potatoes they’re okay with it.

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Yeah, this is basically it. The eagles weren’t just some beast for hire and even if they were Sauron would have blown them out of the sky.