Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

He’s gone all in on this, multiple interviews and social media posts.

I think this response pretty much nails it


Max value would be getting on Elon’s rocket so you could die a nasty but well-publicized death in the red dirt of Mars.



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Man I hope he never finds us here. He’s kind of a vindictive asshole.


I for one…

Ah. Never mind.

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whistleblowers are good see

A hallmark of this era is liberals allowing the absolute worst people to weaponize ostensibly liberal institutions via bad faith bullshit.

oh look he found his own measheimer he’s now going to quote every chance he gets

Former CIA and FBI security specialist says more than 80 per cent of Twitter accounts are ‘bots’

More than 80 per cent of Twitter accounts are likely bots, according to former CIA and FBI cyber security specialist Dan Woods, who created a fake profile and quickly gained more than 100,000 fake followers in one weekend by purchasing them on the dark web.

the most maddening thing about this is it doesnt matter one way or another what the % is, he still bought it

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It makes a funny meme I guess but I’ve seen several Model S and X mobile service vehicles. Pretty sure when they can’t make enough cars to meet their demand it makes more sense to sell what they make and buy cheap Ford vans for their service fleet.

He bought it expressly because he claimed he wanted to fix the bot issue.

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another maddening thing is I don’t know what to root for. Do I want him to own twitter and give a platform to trump and any other horrible POS he thinks is necessary for “free speech” or whatever donkey troll shit he believes in? no. do i want to see him financially suffer and be made a fool? yes. it’s an impossible conundrum.

the whole thing has played out in such a weird way. twitter was fighting tooth and nail to prevent a violent takeover, he wins, then the moment he wins he has buyer’s remorse. lol.

Oh easy. Elon buys twitter and then burns it to the ground with his nonsense making it financially non-viable. Twitter and Elon both huge net negatives for society. Tying both together and firing both into the sun a huge win for everyone.


You can certainly wish for that, but twitter being “burned to the ground” seems like a very unlikely result.

twotter had a small net operating loss last year, and their dau has flattened in most countries with significant incomes. they did get more ad revenue this year. they’ve tried to branch out with projects similar to tiktok and clubhouse, but they ultimately were canceled.

i don’t think it’s in danger of going under next year or year after that, but it’s reasonable to skeptically asses its growth. i think a slow decline, like that of a content publisher, is possible, or even a moderate one like snap. also, elon isn’t the midas touch fanboys expect. he could easily accelerate it.

Most likely there’s just big layoffs/downsizing and they just coast with what they have and give up on growth. Or even not layoffs.

I know its a techbro cliche but we could 2-5 people just from this board and make a twitter clone indistinguishable from the real thing in a couple months. Plus VFS already gave us the name!

Twitter could easily go the way of MySpace.

Twitter is such a weird beast. Incredibly useful and also a shitheap. If it vanishes I think it’s net neutral, mostly because some other shitheap replaces it.

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