Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Goes over more of what he said in his meeting with twitter employees.

“There’s freedom of speech and freedom of reach,” he said. “Anyone could just go into the middle of Times Square right now and say anything they want. They can just walk into the middle of Times Square and deny the Holocaust… but that doesn’t mean that needs to be promoted to millions of people. So I think people should be allowed to say pretty outrageous things that are in the bounds of the law but that don’t get amplified and don’t get a ton of reach.”

Golly, I wonder what will happen if you create two sets of WFH rules, one set for “good” employees and a different set of rules for “other” employees. The idea that you can WFH if you’re “good” enough at your job is an invitation to bullying and double standards and sexism etc etc etc. You know, standard tech company stuff.

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Nothing says “we’re inclusive” like firing people asking for the company to be more inclusive.

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I can’t quite understand what he is trying to demonstrate with the first three items.

Also what is with the pen thing?

Bleech. When I pry apart the door of a luxury vehicle, I expect it to be insulated with emeralds.

Pen is demoing how wide the gap is, a sign of poor manufacturing and a common complaint about Tesla’s, i believe.

Just unreal ability to put his foot in it.


even trump loves his kids more than that asshole

LOL bullshit. The main thing I arrange moves for is industrial machinery and the saying “there are no bad lanes only bad rates” is in full effect. I’ve seen how fast people move when a single line in a factory is down. If he’s missing a machine it’s not because they can’t get it moved it’s because it isn’t built.

He probably tried to buy more of a certain type of machine than the world produces in a year because he’s a moron who won’t take no for an answer from his subordinates.

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A bold move cotton, let’s see how it works out.

137 million damage reward lowered to 15 million sucks but it seems highly unlikely he gets more than 15 million dollars.

I’m gonna guess no actual analysis is necessary for Elon to come to the conclusion that the data confirms whatever the fuck he wants.

Maybe this should go in the is climate change bad thread.

Dude may end up overtaking Cromartie when all is said and done.