Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Racists who know white South Africans in America have always been giddy with excitement to call them African-Americans.


I first heard it about Dave Matthews.

lol @ Musk’s legal residence being the SpaceX launch facility. Yeah, I’m sure he lives in one of these houses > 180 days a year.

Double lol, this is it:

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In Texas the only thing you need to do to establish legal residency is to wear one of those belt buckles that has a real scorpion encased in acryllic.


Jesus, house prices are out of control if that’s all Elon can afford.


If I was effectively infinitely rich like Musk I probably wouldn’t have a super nice main residence either because I’d never be there. If I had a billion dollars I wouldn’t want to live as a recluse on a fancy property, I’d want to go everywhere and do everything.


Rick Steves already lives that lifestyle and he’s on a PBS salary.


Yeah but who among us is as charismatic as Rick Steves?



Did expect this thread to visit Europe through the back door

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I know of one white American of African descent that checked the African-American box on college applications and beyond. Rustled my jimmies quite a bit.

“Clarify remarks”. He’s a shit poster adolescent with billions of dollars. The end.

why are you trying to make me like you, doge?

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damn, i have never rage quit, but i would consider that all-hands a great opportunity to try it just once.

We arent in a simulation.

It’s a live action reboot of the Simpson’s. This part is the Mr Burns origin story.


Has anybody ever dove into the correlation of billionaires and shitty hair? There must be a reason the two go hand in hand. Trump (not a real billionaire), Musk, Zuckerberg, Bezos, etc. Is it that they just don’t give a shit what they look like, and they all happen to have bad hair genetics?

Bezos has no hair, and as a fellow bald guy, he’s got the best hair of the bunch.

But how do you leave this guy off your list?

ETA: I guess not technically a billionaire.