Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

is he admitting that they require factory workers to go over 40 hrs? isn’t that a labor law violation?

We got him!


He’s just saying that I’m not asking to do anything more than the peons that make $60k/yr have to do so you can’t complain.

This is pretty out of touch…

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Elon plays into all the libertarian fantasies that every generation of nerdy 20-something bros fall for. He’s just this generation’s version of Ron Paul. Think of all the insane gymnastics the Paul cultists pulled of to explain away his Neoconfederate ideology, it’s the same thing with Musk.

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i mean, i obviously think it is, but IANAL. can anyone confirm if this is true? i might just be starting a new rumor

overtime rules? this probably varies by state tbf. in CA (back in 2000), hourly employees had to get paid 1.5x over 40 hrs, and 2x over 60. at least that’s what they were paying me at a summer job. for salaried, it is sometimes illegal to demand overtime, if it carries no additional money

It certainly wouldn’t surprise me to learn Tesla employees work unpaid overtime, but that shouldn’t be the default assumption.

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i suppose it’s the tone of the emails and tweets, that talk nothing about pay. as well as teh context

There’s that, but its also undeniable that the environment around Musk is complete soaked with money. Lots and lots and lots of people think that the road to happiness is the road that ends at them with “enough” money and they will take a lot of abuse if they think it will keep them on that road.

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In that sense TSLA stock dumping has to hurt his ability to attract employees quite a bit. I’m assuming for most high skilled TSLA employees, a lot of the appeal is getting stock options/grants. This also keeps them there even if treated badly while they wait for them to vest. If the stock tanks, the existing options could be are worthless and people won’t be as enthused about future options, if they don’t expect the stock to keep going up.

Every executive position is a revolving door. They’re averaging a new general counsel like every 4 months.

demanding people show their faces is becoming a red flag for me in terms of identifying horrible managers. in this day and age there’s pretty much zero reason unless you have to be physically present to fulfill your duties (like a factory worker).

had a boss trying to force me to come in every now and then to our office, finally I gently told him I was dealing with some health issues and looked very ill and was quite self conscious about it and that ended that.

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But just think of how hard those factory workers will work when they’re inspired by their boss physically coming into work and sitting at a desk for 8 hours.


As if Elon fucking Musk, who spends hours a day shitposing, is actually working his ass off.

His job, which he is legitimately very good at, is grooming his cultists and convincing morons to invest with him.

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Is it true that TSLA’s compensation is famously generous? Usually these types of abusive bosses aren’t known for paying well or on time.

The stock market is famously generous, not TSLA.

Tesla allows you to choose between options and RSUs, granting 3 options in exchange for every RSU.

How much is 32k of TSLA 3 years ago worth today? 32k / $37/share = 865 shares. 865 shares * $743/share today = $640k. The engineer who started 3 years ago is getting $640k from their initial grant in the next year. Plus their regular salary. Plus their refreshes.

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LOL isn’t that laughably below market?

Yes. Comparing with google you can see that a google engineer with FOMO on TSLA can just buy the same shares they would be granted at Tesla and still have profits. They avoid 40 hours in the office too.
P1/L3: 20k base + 20k bonus = 40k. 13k grant, 27k profit.
P2/L4: 39k base + 27k bonus = 66k. 32k grant, 34k profit.
P3/L5: 42k base + 33k bonus = 75k. 59k grant, 16k profit.

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Shit I should have done programming.