Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

And when you’re too stupid and self centered to be happy with millions to billions of dollars. Like if you have that much money it’s not that hard to get a property big enough that you can’t see your neighbors. But bullies have to “win”.

I just checked out the Bill Gross bio from the library (The Bond King) and am looking forward to reading exactly how much of an asshole he is.

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I knew a programmer who went to work for Pimco and said it was an absolute nightmare. They think they can browbeat their programmers the same way they bully the traders (who make a lot more money). They would come by and yell at him if he was just sitting at his desk not actively coding. Like programmers don’t need time to think about stuff.

He also said their code base had just gotten version control within the previous year. This was like 2008, which is absolutely insane.

Want to get infuriated?



Important tweet not included!


lol. he’s gone full-on h hughes. probably going to start drinking his own urine soon in preparation for mars.

About halfway through so far, and this is about the most boring and unstructured biography I can remember.

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This would be funny if it wasn’t so woke.


Looking forward to a book review! By all accounts, truly a world class asshole.

Mary Childs was on Odd Lots a couple weeks ago. The episode was OK, but in retrospect, a lot of the quality was from the hosts.

That’s what prompted me to get the book!

This is excellent.


At least I never thought bill gates was an idiot.

How does this shithead have even one employee?

Are the employees as culty as the online Musk Fan Boys?

There used to be a lot of true believers but for the most part Tesla and SpaceX employees stick around long enough for their stocks to vest then they bail to somewhere that actually has a work/life balance.

I’ve never known how this story would play out, and many of the twists and turns over the years have been total surprises, but a single intuition has never left me: Musk’s trajectory is unsustainable. It was only a matter of time before impunity and arrogance caused his mask to slip, and then the world would be ready to learn that Tesla’s runaway valuation was underwritten by memes, corner-cutting, information control, and outright deception.


Just such an unrelenting piece of shit. The biggest mystery of my adult life is why so many people allow themselves to be abused by people like Elon Musk and Donald Trump.


He got a taste of the Chinese employer/worker relationship and just likes it too much. And he is fully redpilled. He can’t launch himself to Mars soon enough.

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