Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Normally he should ask his doctor about XIAFLEX, but I’m guessing he didn’t since he knows more than all of the doctors combined.

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Is it explained who the text is to and why he needs the texts about San Francisco?

The text is to Paul Bettany. Not sure on the reasoning.

i’m trying to think of the last time i’ve seen johnny depp act on screen with this much emotion and intensity, and i don’t think he ever has. he’s been saving it up this whole time to use in his personal life


That just shows what a great actor he is.


A) Goddam you for making me curious about this.

B) Did Paul Bettany turn on him, or were the texts somehow subpoenaed?

Paul Bettany would never. They both had tons of phone stuff subpoenaed.

Pretty sure both parties turned over phones.

NGL I might monkeytilt if this fucker decides he wants to disrupt DNA.

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Dorsey responding with a horse emoji

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We are surrounded by stupid assholes


what does horse emoji mean?

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This has to be the reference, right?

A sexual misconduct claim against Elon Musk involved him offering to buy a SpaceX flight attendant a horse in exchange for an erotic massage


I’m hoping it’s a reference to him being bribed by Elon with a horse - but honestly have no clue. Although, since he seems buddies with Elon, if could be mocking the horse bribe story.

I read it as Jack implying he has a big dick

Who fucking cares bring on the guillotines

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Billionaires sniping at each other like middle schoolers.

Reminds me of this story:

A dispute between bond king Bill Gross and his next-door neighbor over a $1-million outdoor sculpture has devolved into police calls to their Laguna Beach mansions, multiple legal actions — and allegations that the billionaire investor blared the “Gilligan’s Island” theme song on a loop at all hours to annoy his neighbor.

Fucking toddlers. This is what happens when no one in your life ever tells you no.



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He stole the idea from the Sopranos.