Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

lol diamond and silk still exist

i wonder what their 3 to 5 bullet points could possibly be

  • Make
  • America
  • Great
  • Again

This is probably the best article I’ve ever read breaking down why I’m so skeptical about Tesla and everything Elon related. Thanks for sharing.


Even though I own some cryptocurrency, this part also kinda sums up my feelings there.

“ There is this sense in which we live in an economy where the perception of value is, in fact, value. I feel this way every time I read about cryptocurrency. I wrote an article about cryptocurrency recently, and I made the case that a lot of the arguments for it are wrong or fraudulent. But I couldn’t make the case to people that it was a bad investment, because the point is that it’s one of those things where as long as everyone believes in it, that belief becomes true.”


Stonks and crypto are basically religions.


It’s worth adding that the public especially is incapable of adjudicating the truth or falsity of Musk’s claims when there is a perverse incentive in the tech press. Every time Elon Musk says that in two years, he’s going to Mars, or he’s going to tunnel under the city of Miami, or whatever big promise it is, it’s printed. Elon Musk promises very little follow up on this, but you understand that the stories get clicks and build up this brand as if Musk were this visionary inventor. There’s a children’s book that’s about Elon Musk in the future. He has a cameo on The Simpsons, and they’re not satirizing him, they’re like, Elon Musk, the great inventor, the Edison of our time. So when someone has built a successful reputation as the Thomas Edison of our time, or like he’s going to rescue the kids in the cave with his mini submarine, it doesn’t matter that he doesn’t do it. In their minds, people associate him with innovation, and it builds trust.


Sure but there are a lot of things like that. For instance Tesla, Inc., the US dollar, and the English language.

And Musk being Edison isn’t far off either. Edison was quite the scammer himself.


Bill Gates, Windows, etc. It’s all scames

Yes all billionaires


Yes, fronting a company named TESLA. The fucking irony of it all.



Do you get alerts when DNegs tweets? That was fast


He’s talking about Amber Heard, not Elon’s accuser

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Individual man is a fucking moron, more at 11.

There are better ways to attack Tesla (or more appropriately, Musk) than to show individual customers who are complete idiots or who do fake things for clicks. There are morons who drive every type of car.

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It’s a funny video. I was reminded of it due to the post about the diesel generators at the Tesla Supercharger site

Think it might be scripted

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Ah ok, fair enough. Scripted seems likely, hard to imagine people that dumb actually exists.

Eh who am I kidding, we all know people that stupid walk amongst us.

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Yes, they’re electric cars, but these are also basically disposable cars. These are not cars that are designed and tested to go the distance that the rest of the industry does. What it shows is that basically everything he does is optimized for first impressions. And that’s why there’s all the focus on the design. That’s the first impression.

But the problems start stacking up as soon as those first impressions end, both with the ownership experience of the car, but also as a company. I mean, their service operations are a mess. And their parts availability is a mess.

About the very first Model S, sources told me that they knew internally that 100% of the drive trains would have to be replaced by 30,000 miles.

Juicero on wheels