Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company



Sounds like a job for Michael Avenatti


lol the email address


Tesla has had 6 general counsels since 2019

Freedom of speech! Sue anyone that says anything bad about me. With extreme hardcore prejudice.



It’s going to be so frustrating when he’s allowed to back out of the twitter deal because his financing falls through because his Tesla shares are down so much.

Shots fired

Guys, he’s Trump. End of story. And every bit as stupid.

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It’s tough because if it’s some sort of contract with a monthly salary, you’ll have to sweat Elon just capriciously terminating you because he’s an idiot who likes to blame everyone but himself if anything is suboptimal. And once you’ve been fired, as goofy says, you’re going to have the stink of Elon on you forever.

You’re gonna need to do it like an NFL contract with a yuuge signing bonus. Maybe something like 5 years 50 million, but 75% of that is paid up front as signing bonus. If the Elon fires the attorney, he keeps the whole signing bonus. If he quits, he returns pro-rated portion.

I suspect you could do it for a bit less but you get the idea.

oh please they’ll 100% be like:


The reputational concern is not a problem. (Do you seriously think that fancy lawyers are going to be shunned for defending rich dudes who sexually harass their employees?? You’re more likely to become unemployable representing the victim. ). But no good lawyer is going to want to go in-house and have Elon yelling insane nonsense at them all the time.


Yeah the whole point of going in house is clocking out at 5pm. You hire biglaw to work around the clock on the company’s dime so you can get a head start on the Friday afternoon drive to the Hamptons. Ain’t nobody leaving Cravath to deal with this infant.


That may be, but everyone has a price.

Perhaps the price here is so absurd that it would never happen. I’ll buy that for sure.

For 99% of people this is true, but there will be some people out there that are so obsessed with making a name for themselves they might take a shot at it anyway. There are lots of toxic people that would see this ultra high profile situation and an opportunity to self promote.

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so the tweet means that the last one just quit, yes?

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“We will never seek victory in a just case against us”

This is dumb right? Why would someone need to sue you if you agreed with them for the reasons they’re suing you? Wouldn’t you already have given in to their demands before it got that far?

If I suspected my work committed wage theft and I went to my boss and said he owed me $1000 and he agreed he would just give me the money and not force me to sue just so he could lose in court and say welp my bad? Is this now how all lawyers work? Do you just auto sue someone without asking them to pay you for damages first?

Imagine going to your corporate lawyer about a lawsuit and them saying “I could totally win this case but technically they’re right so I’m going to lose on purpose” huh?

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Technically, he’s not ruling out seeking a stalemate in a just case against him that ties up the case in litigation for years.

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