
50 cases of beer for $200. They must like some serious swill. :grin:šŸ¤·šŸ¼


I feel no such pressure. Iā€™ve already told spidercrab Iā€™m probably just gonna take the cash, rub it all over my titties, and offer a very sincere thank you to the community.


Definitely donā€™t want to see proof of this - weā€™ll take your word for it.


Really glad to see the honorarium is going forward. You guys do amazing work keeping this site running smoothly. As I have no life, UP is a big part of my daily routine, so in short, thanks!


And thus Zikzakā€™s long con of putting hundreds of hours of work into this forum for a few dollars is complete. Weā€™ve been had.


not sure if the admins are interested, but consider verifying with Brave, and accept a few bucks via BAT Crypto

i have some monthly BAT donations setup to Wikipedia and a few others, it accumulates probably around $25/month or so, i just direct it to donation supported sites. it feels legit enough to me, but if it looks like a scam to you, do let us know.

I have never dealt with crypto of any kind. How much effort would it be for me to get up and running on this?

itā€™s pretty point and click from what i understand, i just went through it yesterday. you may need to verify your wallet with ā€œuphold.comā€. quick search seems to indicate itā€™s not a scam, but may have comparatively higher fees.

I cancelled my recurring donation on Patreon because we seem to be financially solvent for the time being and my PayPal account has had a lot more going out than in lately but donā€™t feel shy about asking me to re-up if we ever need it.

Financial update time. I missed last month because I was lazy. Sorry.

Expenses, a couple of changes:

  • The biggest expenses were the previously-discussed honorariums to @anon46587892 and @zikzak. This was SUPPOSED to have been $200 each. But @anon46587892 had to be paid in Canada-money, so there was a $4.99 paypal charge added.
  • Reimbursed @zikzak $160 for two months of hosting fees.
  • Weā€™ve lowered the hosting level back down to what it was before the election craziness. Weā€™ve also increased the cloud storage that we have. The net is that weā€™ve gone from $80/month to a little less than $50/month. (The January invoice was $47.69, but Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s going to vary month to month.) If you have questions about hosting or storage space, @zikzak is probably the one to ask.
  • The hosting fees are now paid directly by me, on my credit card. Previously they had been paid by @zikzak and I reimbursed him.


  • 3 paypal donations since the last update.
  • On Patreon we have 22 active patrons, which brought in a gross of $131.66 in the most recent month, and a net of $114.64.
  • No gift card donations

Current Balances:
Patreon: $1,888.75
Paypal: -$17.88
Total: $1,870.87

The negative paypal balance is a little odd, but hereā€™s what it means:

  • Most of our donations come via Patreon. But Iā€™ve never actually withdrawn any money from that account. Every dollar that has been donated to Patreon (net of fees) has just accumulated in that account.
  • All of our expenses are paid out through my Paypal account. For a while, that was no problem because people had made cash donations through paypal so the balance was always positive. But with the most recent reimbursement to @zikzak, plus the big honorariums, the Paypal balance went negative and I had to pay some from my own account.
  • This is obviously not a problem overall, since the Patreon account has plent of funds. But it does mean that at some point Iā€™m going to withdraw from that account.

The Ad balance continues to sit in a Google account, un-gettable by us despite @zikzakā€™s many efforts. If anyone has any personal contact at Google that might be able to help us out, please let me know.

So thatā€™s it for the finances. If anyone wants more detail or has interest in taking over as treasurer, let me know.

As always, thanks to all of you who have donated - itā€™s very generous of you. I enjoy this community and Iā€™m glad to play a small part in keeping it running. At this point, I think the best donation you can make is to recruit more smart/funny/interesting people to join the community.


It kind of seems like a) theyā€™re just not paying us and b) we donā€™t need their money. Canā€™t we just drop them? Sorry if this has been gone over exhaustively.

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Whether or not we need the money, I hate the idea of letting Google keep what weā€™ve earned. The balance is roughly $500, which to me is a big enough number to be irritated about. I mean, even if UP is financially stable right now, there are infinite people/entities who need that $500 more than Google does.

Not sure what you mean by dropping them.

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Not sure I do, either, honestly. Are we hosting ads? Can we stop?

I donā€™t actually know the answer to these questions. @zikzak?

Yā€™all canā€™t figure out if weā€™re still running ads yourselves?

No, I dropped them as soon as it became clear that we werenā€™t going to be paid.

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Whatā€™s is the reason why the funds canā€™t be accessed? Even if it is not something that is used now, it might be a good idea to figure out how to use it should it become necessary in the future. Of course, if itā€™s not something you just canā€™t be arsed up to deal with, thatā€™s understandable as well.

@spidercrab. did u get my pay pal?

Yes, you should have a private message from me from 4 days ago.

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just wanted to remind you, thereā€™s some money in this for unstuck if you setup the site with a BAT wallet.