About Administration

Those were under my control and are no longer relevant. Google stole our money and none of the others ever generated anything.

Just to put out any ill-informed speculation before it happens. This is not a case where we had a big balance in the Google ad account, and now it’s gone, and a very sketchy @zikzak is claiming that Google stole it. That balance continues to be there on the account (I just logged in to check), it’s just been impossible for anyone to withdraw it.

The fuck?

If you wanted to interact with @zikzak over PM and offer advice for how to solve this issue, I’m confident that he would appreciate any informed help.

I’d just tell him to google it :expressionless:


I can assure you I have already repeatedly googled (and Bing’ed) “how do I contact a real human at AdSense to complain about not receiving the information they say they sent that they require I have before processing a payout even though they have already verified my identity, banking and tax information?”

The answer to that search query is, “lol”.

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Now I feel even worse about not getting that A-Team joke

I’ll stay on as admin if I get to drive the van.

As soon as we get Google to pay up

Seeing that van reminds me of an art toy I had as a kid. Had totally forgotten it until now:

There were multiple plates, each with an outline of a section of a van (so there was a front, middle, and back). You would mix and match the sections in the frame and then rub over them with some paper to get the van picture.

Google link for more pics

Anyone else have one of these?

No but I love the pun

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Had to see this guy in action. Guess whose video just went from 71 views to 72 :+1::+1::+1:


Thanks for digging that up. I wish he would have showed how the LVG worked more, but it was wild to see it again on YouTube.

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You just want the haircut.

I’d settle for just having the hair.

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I think Jmakin is the man for the job and if he wants backup, someone else on as root, I’m happy to do that and I think SP is as well.

As far as my crazy ideas, they are probably too crazy, but Kroshopkin basically has open enrollment. Seriously. It’s a wordpress site now, but I want to roll my own for experience in react and portfolio if for no other reason. And if anyone is interested in that it doesn’t have to be web development/tech, it could be business development or whatever.

Google Ads are terrible and there support sucks fing balls. Glad there is a happy ending to this story.

Sorry been taking a little while on this. I was on staycation the last 2 weeks, and I also wanted to let this percolate in the community to see where everyone’s comfort level is at. I have been made admin on this account and it looks pretty much unanimous over a decent number of users, and I want to say thanks for your vote of confidence.

I modified this post slightly to keep a numbered list of stuff there is to do.

I have done steps 0 and 2, I believe. @simplicitus, what is involved for step 1 as outlined above? We can handle it in PMs.

Steps 3-4 I will handle today.

Step 5,7,8,9, I may need a little coordination with @zikzak.

Step 6: Working on it

Random issue: Now that I have admin, I get notifications when posts are flagged, and I can see user notes, as well as a lot of other stuff. Is there a way to disable some of these? When I am browsing the site as a user, I don’t really wanna know about any of that stuff, because it may color my perception of some users here in a way I don’t think is really necessary. I also like, don’t wanna be able to see y’all’s emails or IPs and stuff unless I actually need to be able to.

I think @anon46587892 has a separate admin account. Maybe we can do it that way? That way, when I am just browsing the site as a user which I will be 99% of the time, I won’t see any of this stuff. Just an idea. I have an alt account called @defnotJ that could be used for admin.


Yea, they don’t bother me or anything, I just see an opportunity there to see stuff like, who is reporting who’s posts and how often, what the moderation decision was, etc. I feel like since moderation has been such a hot button, drama laden topic, and given my propensity for being involved in drama in the past, I think being largely in the dark about that stuff would be good, lest I feel some temptation to weigh in on these topics in the future with knowledge I feel doesn’t belong to me.

Idk if that makes sense. I just dont really want to know about this stuff, because it could possibly change how I feel about posters other than just reading the words they write, which is how I prefer to judge others on here.

Basically I want to remain as much a normal user of the site as possible, while still being able to perform admin functions. The mod stuff/notifications seem like stuff I largely do not need or want to be worried about barring some very unusual scenario.

Another thing: i notice i am able to edit my posts like WAY after I should be able to. I am a serial post editor, I absolutely do not need this power.


Lol perfect