Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

ABC has a live helicopter view of the courthouse. There don’t actually seem to be that many people there. A lot of cameras, microphones and flags.

Nuzzi unapologetically has a bunch of fascist friends

Actually more like defiantly, lol

How many decimal places are you talking?

Duh. Hilary printed them off her server and planted them.

lol little marco



Please proceed, governor.

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very sad crowd by the looks of it

He’s already headed to Bedminster for a rally or whatever. Much better crowd expected there.

ABC saying DJT to have no contact with witnesses, including Walt Nauta. His employees and lawyers have been or could potentially be witnesses. Melania too but that’s probably fine with her.

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What’s the over/under on days since trump and Melania have spoken? Could be months.

She clearly thought he’d be dead by now.


Still no embedding. If you don’t want to click, it’s a quick Fox news video of Melania showing up at the courthouse, except it’s not her.

I assume the no contact directive will have to be ammended/clarified.

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and that is how the name STEFANIK written in black marker ended up in the toilet


why would melania go to the courthouse? except to file for divorce.


Ok, clarification is in: no contact with witnesses about the case. Too bad, Melania.

That’s still impossible, though. He’s going to do it tonight when he talks at Bedminster!

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No way

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Wait, really?

Another thing worth pointing out is that many on the left (at least me) are fine if investigations lead to criminal wrongdoings of Biden, Hunter, or Clinton and if so, they should be indicted and tried. None of that has anything to do with the criminality of Trump ans his minions


Nauta didn’t plead bc he couldn’t get a local lawyer. That poor stupid bastard. What does he think he’s doing?

His chief skill is fetching diet cokes for a megalomaniac. He has very little idea what’s going on. He likely makes too much to qualify for a federal public defender. However, he does has an ace up his sleeve, which he’ll eventually realize: the prosecutor will let him walk if he flips.

Edit: I wonder if he’ll flip in six months and also testify about Trump’s post-indictment efforts to get him to lie.

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