Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

LOL so Jack Smith planted classified documents (he had no way of ever obtaining) so that trumps own body man could take pictures of them and send them over text message before Trump was subsequently recorded admitting he had them and could not declassify them. A+ defense.


The debate moments that sealed the deal.

Oh man, it would be just too sweet if Trump ended up having to have a public defender assigned for his defense because no private attorneys would represent him.

Can’t smith sue for libel?

Free WaPo opinion.

Bringing charges related to the possession of classified documents against a current or former president for anything short of colluding with our enemies or selling them on the black market is unnecessary, unwise and destructive to democracy. It will exacerbate our political polarization and dominate the daily news cycle much like the Russian collusion hysteria of Trump’s first two years in office. No one can be looking forward to that.

He’s wrong. I’m very much looking forward to it.


CNN posted an opinion similar to that

I mean they’re right but if this isn’t prosecuted, then the president might as well be a dictator.

The boomer morons eat it up though. Yesterday someone told me Trump had the right to take whatever he wanted… I went along with the premise, then clarified even if that’s true he couldn’t take the level of docs he did which contained top military secrets. Obviously this went no where other than MUH BIDEN! MUH CHINATOWN BOXES!


I haven’t ruled out the DOJ having evidence that he colluded with enemies or sold classified info on the black market.



Guys has some BANGERS


Miami having a normal one

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Its pretty funny to see every single news story like “Miami is going on lockdown, every cop is on duty in case shit goes down” without mentioning that the shit going down would be right wing terrorism.


I mean, it’s worth pointing out to these dumbasses that Biden is being investigated right now by the DOJ over his handling of classified docs. Just one more thing to troll them with.


Man that’s some desperation.

Believe it or not

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That guy describes the situation pretty well but doesn’t come out against prosecuting. The WaPo guy is in the tank for Trump.

I can’t imagine anyone who has held a clearance, short of people like Michael Flynn, saying eh what Trump did is fine. Nothing much is likely to happen in the end but you can’t just let it go.

David Petraeus is the highest-profile, roughly similar case I have heard of.

In the 15-page statement of facts filed by the government along with the plea agreement, the government stated that Petraeus had provided Broadwell access to documents containing Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information, had later moved those documents to his personal residence and stored them in an unsecured drawer, and had deliberately and intentionally lied to Federal investigators about both providing Broadwell access to the documents and their improper storage. These facts were acknowledged to be true by Petraeus as part of his plea agreement.

He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor and got one year of probation/fine. No way in hell Trump is admitting guilt, so here we go.


These damn lone wolves just keep showing up randomly in packs, and they just always seem to support Trump. If only there was a common thread here to tie it all together.

Ah well, nevertheless!

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Spoiler, kinda nsfw


No embedding? Is Elon censoring us?