Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

If I was sure of that I’d probably use my one time on DeSantis winning the nom.

Whatever they actually do I’m sure it will be extremely stupid and have a decent chance to succeed.


can someone give me the cliffs of this

DOJ suspected/had evidence Trump tried to get his lawyer, Corcoran, to do crimes. Corcoran recorded detailed notes of his meetings with Trump. DOJ convinced judge to give them access to Corcoran’s voice recordings. Trump’s new lawyers don’t want these presented at trial.

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trmp as third party should be dems goal.

You know, if the magistrate wanted to screw Cannon, I’m pretty sure he could place firm but “reasonable” restrictions on Trump, and if Cannon overruled them that would provide more basis for a motion to recuse. Pretty sure he could box her in if he wanted to.

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As repub nominee he is much more of a drag on the house:senate

He’s also more likely to be effective in getting his (loser) candidates to the general.

Happening status: not


My dad and stepmom both voted for Ross Perot in 1992. Bill Clinton gets wafflecrushed without him in the race and it was so satisfying to throw that in her stupid face.

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Weren’t people like you saying the same about trump in the run up to 2016?

Clinton would have won without Perot in the race.

I still hear “we would have won with colt mccoy” from longhorn fans but it’s not true


Third party? Isn’t Trump still crushing the GOP primary?

Yes. The indictment has done essentially nothing to his favourability among republicans.

Has there been any post-indictment polling? I gotta believe it eats away a little into his 50-point or whatever lead over DeSantis with suburban Republicans getting embarrassed.

The polling, which began on Friday, a day after Trump was indicted, found that 81% of self-identified Republicans said politics was driving the case,

Some 62% of respondents in the Reuters/Ipsos poll, including 91% of Democrats and 35% of Republicans, said it was believable that Trump illegally stored classified documents at his home in Florida as alleged by prosecutors.

Some 43% of self-identified Republicans said Trump was their preferred candidate, compared to 22% who picked Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Trump’s closest rival.

In early May, Trump led DeSantis 49% to 19%, but that was before DeSantis formally entered the race.

[ETA: one thing to watch is not just whether Trump loses support, but where those folks go. Most of the R primaries are winner take all (or most), so Trump can still scoop up tons of delegates w/ 35% support as long as no single opposition candidate has more. If everyone who leaves Trump goes to DeSantis, the primary will be close. If Scott, Haley, Pence, Christie, etc peel off one or two percent each while DeSantis stays in around 20%, Trump cruises.]

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T-5 but Trump already geared up.

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Oh wow, only a 21-point lead for Trump, post indictment.

I thought Trump was a fan of the “radical right” and vice-versa. I’m confused.