Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

I think even Trump is capable of learning. What saved us in his first term was he at least had some normies in his cabinet. In a 2nd term, there will be nothing but the loyalists he so needs and desires

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DeSantis is an awful human with reprehensible morality but there just isn’t anything to suggest he wants to end US democracy and become a literal dictator.

There is also no evidence he would randomly nuke some place.

Except maybe disneyland.


I’m not sure about that. I’m sure he would be very happy if he could be a literal dictator.

Even Trump wouldn’t do it “randomly”. He’d do it for stupid reasons. I’m not 100% sure DeSantis is above that.

I think he took that fight on because he thought it would help him politically.

But whatever, he’s a creepy little village troll and i’ll be surprised if he 1) plays well even nationally with Rs against trump and 2) has any resonance with americans

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Fuck am I gonna have to stop eating at Waffle House?

Do you see what he is doing in Florida? He will literally abuse the most oppressed people in the country just to trigger and own the libs. Trump’s base loves when he does it, but it’s almost always just a byproduct of something stupid that’s unrelated

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Yes he will try to pass every brutal oppressive racist and bigoted law he can imagine. He would be a nightmare president in the running for worst of all time….behind trump by quite a margin.

I just don’t think you can cite any evidence, statements or history to suggest he will actively try to literally end US democracy.

I can cite mountains of them for trump.

I guess you don’t know much about objective truths.


Florida leaders have been subverting its voters’ will regarding… voting rights… this whole time

sounds like trump doesn’t have the energy anymore campaigning sad!

(yes that probably matters to some people, yes that doesn’t make sense to me either)

He will for sure try to pass every voter banning bill, support every gerrymander district and do every awful standard republican thing, likely to a new low.

It’s still just not in the same league as actually refusing to leave office, calling on his followers to violence and to murder his opponents, active and regular interference in the Justice system, ignoring the other two branches and willfully breaking every norm and law that stabilizes democracy.

You are just not going to convince me they are the same.

DeSantis is absolutely awful. Trump is a real, proven, and predictable threat to the very existence of US democracy.

If the rule you followed led you to this, of what use was the rule?

I don’t understand what you mean?

I mean you’re going to need to show your work on what democracy is left to end, and what that would look like, and why Desantis is less likely than Trump to do a thing Trump didn’t do (refuse to leave) and how refusing to leave is gonna go

You’re saying “sure, A is guaranteed to continue eroding democracy. But B could end it entirely!”

Without regard to where the effects of A and B meet. It’s just that you’re afraid of losing the word Democracy, really. Like you really think Trump says “no more elections”? They’ll just be elections where more people are prohibited from voting… sound familiar?

And even with all that, you’re asserting Trump is willing to die for this.

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They have waffle houses in Manhattan?

Someone should put one in Times Square. It would crush.

We are having a probability debate. Both could execute the worst of the scenarios I suggested. It’s just that one seems obviously much much more likely to do so.

It’s hard to tell if this is an academic or real world debate too. So I understand. Imagine you are ruler of the world and the sole decider of the next president but your only choices are trump or DeSantis. You are choosing trump?

Yeah. I’ve posted a lot of words why, on various occasions. Wish it was easier to just go clip them all together