Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

One of the reasons is cultural and institutional resistance to the man

Fair enough. I guess we will have to disagree. :grin:

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No Waffle Houses in the entire state. I only eat there when I travel.

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You’ll note I left our the agree part. :joy::+1:t2:

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In on it.

Refusing to commit to a peaceful transition of power is a big one

The limited seating at Waffle House sucks

also the rampant violence

I watched that interview and that was NOT a grilling. Stephanopoulos sucked balls. None of these so called star MSM anchors know how to handle these lying hypocrites. They should all be interviewed by John Stewart

I’ll take +600 if anyone wants it

If one of the spineless pretenders would right now go hard at Trump with a little confidence and intelligence and ambition and vulgarity, not only would they get unlimited media coverage, they might win. Couch it in their own language.

Have Chris Hedges - a true man of God - write your speeches, and be bright enough to not be a clown extemporaneously


All that misplaced bravado is already morphing into a trepid panic. I predict he’s going to slowly melt like the wicked witch of the west. GA and J6 come next and even some of his longtime sycophants will grow tired of this colossal man baby’s incessant whining and crying about being a victim. It’s going to be oh so sweet to watch

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Sensing a trend here. Now Gymtuse Jordan’s turn

She kept telling him that Trump himself said he did not declassify the stuff per the recordings and he just pretends like she isn’t talking.

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I’m listening to the indictment. Velshi has a pretty good voice for this. He’s got a future in audio books if MSNBC gets shut down in a future DeSantis or Trump dictatorsip. At face value, they’ve got Trump dead to rights.

But Cannon is a nightmare. Unless the government has some kind of leverage to get her recuse or keep her from doing whatever Trump wants, we’re screwed. Some of the crimes took place in NJ. Idk if they could or would do a separate indictment there. I don’t think dissemination of classified information was charged in the FL indictment.

Trump getting serious. Employing criminal defense lawyers.

Hey discourse, I’m re-posting in the correct thread.

What lawyer would represent him? They are never getting paid and will be laughing stock.

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I imagine you would never be short of paying clients if you get Trump off here