Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

They shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

The only way true left candidates will ever win races is by limiting the vote drastically.

This is the opposite of what is needed. If everyone voted there wouldn’t be a republican majority government is the entire nation at any level.


I think we need to expand voting drastically

Is it more important to have true left politicians in power or is it more important to have true and authentic democracy even if it leads to undesirable outcomes?

Y’all know NMW is trolling you, right? In no way would he call himself a leftist


It depends on what your goals are.

Ettingermentum posted the scholarship on this, but left left candidates typically only win* in EXTREMELY low turnout elections.

If you want Joe Biden, you want as many people voting as possible, definitely.

*yes I’m talking about America

Tell me what I think again, tolerant left boi

Don’t we have an entire forum to contain pointless bickering?


It’s called UP


I’m gonna go with true left politicians

That’s when conservative turnout is extremely low. The left tend to win elections when left turnout is high regardless if conservative turnout is high or not. One thing Trump is telling the truth about is that he did receive the most votes of any president in history. His problem was Biden received even more

The problem with placing a litmus test on voting is that it leads to slippery slopes. Our goal should not be to discourage voting for anyone, the galactically stupid included. Rather, we should expand voting by making it easier for everyone to vote via national voting holidays, mail in voting, eliminating strict voter ID laws, free public transportation, accessible polling places, etc. imho

People won’t try to burn the Capitol down for Desantis, he’s not a cult leader in the same way as Trump. Yes he’s smarter which does mean more dangerous in certain ways (policy) but it also tempers some of the bigger risks.

But most importantly Trump in control of nukes, as always, is absurd and absolutely a massive loss of EV for humanity x-risk. Not close imo.


Obviously this.

This debate is so odd to me as it’s objectively true trump is worse for the reason you state. Add to your reason the chance of ending US democracy and It’s not close.

I guess people are just stupid for not understanding objective truths


This debate turns on what is meant by “extremely”.

Conservatives tend to win “low turnout” elections as poorer and younger people typically have more barriers to voting than richer and older people.

However, left candidates typically have very low (but intense) support, so they tend to do better when low-medium info voters don’t vote.

How much would you be willing to lay on this?


I’ve got some news. Trump already laid the blueprints. Any MAGA candidate will have an overwhelmingly good chance of ending US democracy

The difference is they won’t do it. He will.

Nukes argument is a reasonable one to prefer DeSantis over Trump. But it’s a hard one to assign probabilities to. Factors that muddy the waters are that Generals will probably (at least hopefully) ignore him. Also how sure are we that DeSantis wouldn’t nuke some place if the thought it advanced his personal agenda?

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