Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Even if they show he transmitted or sold information, he’s getting off.


The chance of him getting charged died when Biden was caught.

There was never a chance

And yet we’ll never know.

It’s not even close to being the same, but I assume you know that and are saying the DoJ doesn’t care

If he doesn’t get off, I’m getting off.


How many criminal felony investigations are there currently? I can’t even keep track

  • The Stormy Daniels hush money payment in NY
  • The documents case DoJ
  • The J6 investigation DoJ
  • The interference investigation GA
  • And did Braggs ever re-open the bank fraud case in NY?

That’s 5 and I could be forgetting something. Even the most cynical pessimist has to admit the chance for an indictment from at least one of these is more likely than not

I personally don’t care much about the bank fraud. I’m actually inclined to side with Trump here and say no harm/no foul. Banks are predatory anyway. If they’re too lazy to research and make sure information is accurate before loaning money, then fuck them. If/when there’s a default and harm is can be shown, then criminally prosecute

Documents. Other than what should be a slam dunk case of obstruction, I don’t care much about this either until it can be shown that information was sold and the country was harmed. If so, throw the book at all of them. Otherwise, who cares. Making sure it’s not so easy to abscond with classified material should be the job of the institutions in charge

Other than the above provisions, the only thing I really care about is J6 and the attempted insurrection and overthrowing of the government. And not just for Trump, but Rudy, Eastman, and others, including every sitting member of congress who abetted it

Dude come on. It’s been 6-7 years. It’s not going to happen.

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It’s actually been decades that he’s been getting away with crimes, but only been a little over 2 years since J6

I can and have listed the reasons I think this is different. I’m not sure why some people insist the past will equal the future. I get the frustration with Garland. Most reasonable people can agree he has at the very least seemed reluctant to prosecute high level officials

But why on earth would he allow these investigations to continue turning up more and more damning evidence if he wasn’t prepared to indict? He’d have been better off just saying a long time ago the decision has been made not to prosecute

I think GA will be first, followed quickly by the DoJ. Possibly it will be in tandem. But it’s definitely coming. In fact, I think you guys are crazy to keep denying it. I’ll take more action if anyone wants it

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“Indictments are definitely coming” and “indictments are definitely not coming” are both wrong.

Ehhh, indictments definitely aren’t coming

I don’t know if indictments are coming, but you’re kidding yourself if you think Trump has a chance of suffering any consequences for J6th or anything else.

You want to it be one way, but it’s the other way.


I busted out this reference IRL in a group of late 30’s to early 50’s folks. No one got it. I felt disappointed – not in myself, but in all of them.


Wtf how had nobody in that age group seen The Wire?

Well after it went over their heads, I inquired about this a bit. Less than half had seen it and those who did didn’t remember that line.

We have him on tape election tampering

What more evidence do you need

Lack of evidence isn’t the issue.

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He’s going to delay Pences subpoena with privilege claims. All the other have failed but do we have a fast track to say No? Of course not. It will be months again. Not that it matters.

Some say Pence wants to testify in order to get Trump out of the way and the subpoena is merely cover to save face with MAGA. Not sure I buy that. It would make sense, but who knows what goes thru the mind of a former Trump loyalist? It’s amazing to me that everyone doesn’t flip on him the way he shits on people. I’ll never understand it

Also, judges have been shooting down privilege claims pretty fast