Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Dude it’s been 8 years. Nothing is going to happen to TFG




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Finally we get some answers!

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A lot to unpack here.

Spider-Man pointing meme

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I don’t think DeSantis has any defense to this from Trump? What can he do except ignore it and try to drown it out with woke school transgender CRT Biden border balloon nonsense?

“At least it wasn’t my own kid”


Trump re-douchifying the team:

P.S. I didn’t do it.

i’m childish, but him calling her horseface twice in one post is funny

Between this and the Desantis pedo stuff I think it’s safe to say our boy is bigtime back

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What’s the percentage of graves searched?

No chance.

A Trump aide had previously copied those same pages onto a thumb drive and laptop, not realizing they were classified, sources said.

I don’t think Biden nor Pence are meaningful. No matter what they find, it’s gonna come down to some silly bureaucratic oversight or trophy stuff. Whereas, Trump is such an unmitigated shit show and walking dumpster fire, that everyone (including the goddamn DoJ) wants to call it even

Unless they can show he transmitted or sold information, he’s getting off.