Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Can’t disagree with this. All I can assume is that when you have a first of its kind case of historic proportions against someone who held the most powerful office in the world, it takes time to make sure it’s legally airtight. I’m not a lawyer, but it’s my understanding that intent is very hard to prove.

If Fani Willis decides not to go forward, I think my bet goes from being a huge favorite to an incredible long shot and I’ll be as pessimistic as all of you guys are

I think this is probably true. I wouldn’t bet on any actual jail time. The chances for that are way less than an indictment. I might bet on jail time for others such as Eastman tho

I don’t understand why Fani Willis put it out there that releasing it would prejudice jury pools. Was she confident the judge would side with her not to release names? If not, wouldn’t she have blown up her case giving defense lawyers a perfect reason why their clients couldn’t get a fair trial?

Dude there isn’t going to be a trial



IANAL and I don’t really understand it either. None of this gives me any hope though. At this point anything that isn’t an actual indictment is just wasting more time. Obviously MAGA will be like “can’t be any kind of fair trial now!” if any of this report is released, and that will permeate the national discourse and bye-bye any indictment. It’s all a shit show.

I am shocked! Shocked to learn Steve Bannon doesn’t pay his lawyers!

I agree. That’s why I think it’s going to be soon . If not, I’m going to be joining all the “it’ll never happen” folks who I now think are being pretty silly

I don’t get how these guys just get away with stiffing people. If I dispute and don’t pay an extra $50 fee on a doctor bill, I’ll ruin my credit. Yet these people do it over and over with no apparent penalty?

At this point you should recognize there are different sets of “rules” here in the grand country

I guess you reach a point in wealth and status where credit scores and judgements don’t matter and everyone wants you as their client so they don’t care if they never get paid

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This is exactly the case. At a certain level you have relationships with banks and financial organizations that are not making decisions based on your credit score.

I would say it’s also because with money you can afford to fight back in the courts, but what lawyer would represent you? The reality is these are probably not small sums and likely ultimately get negotiated and paid.

Maybe this is one reason why it’s such a lengthy process to bring indictments for these higher ups? With so many uncooperative witnesses who have unlimited legal resources to keep delaying and fighting things like subpoenas every step of the way, it almost makes sense that it’s not going to go anything like it did for shaman guy or Mr. I’ll put my feet up on Pelosi’s desk guy. These are some of the most powerful people in DC

That definitely is a huge part of it. Prosecutors tend to get concerned when going after someone with resources who can afford to fight back in the court system. They will wait to get as solid as a case as possible before proceeding.

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We got him


By him you mean they lawyer I presume.


He must have missed day 1 of security training. What a dumbass.
