Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

If I lost to the worst candidate ever you’d never hear from me again. You can’t dunk on someone after that

she didn’t lose tho


In this one instance, he’s somehow said the one thing that could theoretically expose him to legal jeopardy, so it’s interesting in a funny kind of way.


Sure, Jan!


I think we all need to brace ourselves for an absolute tsunami of gaslighting, whataboutism, and false equivalencies the likes of which have never been seen before (and we’ve seen quite a lot already). And don’t expect much help from MSM in calling it out either


That’s a really low toilet, right? Is it just me or does that toilet seem strange?

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Originally a picture of the judge assigned to the case in full Trump hat/make-up but maybe a fake, I’ll leave the tweet up where I got it from below.

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I assume this is a joke.

Some people tweeting the person on the left is the Trump appointed judge who will oversee this case, but possibly/likely fake.

Skipping a ton of posts but Trump’s Bovada(normally slanted to steal money from Trump losers) odds are taking a serious hit.


Exact same look.


That smug unblinking cult devotion look.

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The article doesn’t have the photo, no source is given, and one of the comments claims it’s not her.

I mean it would be great if it’s her, because she is that maga on the inside and all should be aware, but no judge would be THIS stupid. She was appointed not because of her Trump support but because the federalist society said she should be.

She’s 41, making her like 34 if this was taken in 2015/16? This is an official photo


I mean that’s very close, could still be fake obv, which if it is ok, but this is the same person who did the special master bullshit the first go around, so checkmark on stupid.

Bovada is certainly not in the business of giving bettors free EV, so I take it we can assume Biden is less than 40% to win, with everything factored in, such as him stepping down due to health or whatever? Or dying?

Looks different to me.

Let me revise my estimate of him facing any consequences to -100%

Cannon’s Wikipic on right. Don’t think it’s the same person, but I’m pretty crap at this. Similar chin.