Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

But those odds would imply Trump must be worse than 26⅔%, which seems like Bovada must be using models weighted more towards the Nixonian era than today

Yeah idk, it’s getting linked in a few places, if it gets debunked i’ll delete. The original tweeter seems to be pretty credible, but any1 can get fooled.

Not GW Bush. Can’t get fooled again


Yeah I guess the facial structure looks a bit different, w/e I’ll delete just in case

Edit the post with a caveat. It’s worth knowing what’s floating around gullible Twitter even if it’s not real

if the election is rigged, how in said election are they going to put a stop to it?

bovada has given out free EV in elections there’s that many trumpers who are sports bettors, sometimes the books just don’t want to have so much money on one side

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Yeah, I think it’s just smoke. It looks to be a stock image from Gettyimages taken Sept 3rd last year in Pennsylvania. It was August 22nd when Cannon started on the Trump case and September 5th when she granted Trump’s request for a Special Master. It’s vanishingly unlikely that she jumped on a plane mid trial to clown up for the Wilkes-Barr rally, but I’d still like to think she did.

I shall now remove my deerstalker.


I just thought maybe it was a photo from like 7 years ago, I don’t know if she was any kind of judge then. But ya going with obv fake now.

Looks like the photo has been distorted, perhaps resized to fit in the filing. Look at the trash can, that’s equally squat looking.

Hell yeah. My friend who sells me unpurchasable information about the United States’ nuclear defenses

Yeah, It looks just enough like her and I’m just jaded enough to believe the brazenness of it. It’d just be too perfect though.

but that’s just normal lockerroom banter of a perfect conversation with a fantastic friend

you’re saying you keep secrets from your friends, you’re the bad guy here

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Don’t care whether they arrest hunter, but damn if he wasn’t living large.



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That other woman’s hat says Stop the Steal. I think this is 2020 or later.



Shouldn’t you want him arrested? Rule of law, and all that? Nobody is above the law!

Meanwhile, more photos of Eric and Don Jr looking like losers released.

I’m sure Elon with be firing up to free speech squad to ensure unfettered access to Hunter dong photos.