Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

This is the copium if you want it, but no chance imo.

Come down to Donnieā€™s Proposal Park
I built it to be a magical place to make romantic proposals
It has plenty of space for your wildest proposal plans
But it also happens to be the perfect place for ex-presidents to store their unlawfully retained classified documents


there isnā€™t enough rainbow text in the universe for this


Lots of good reading material in this bathroom.




I mean, I wouldnā€™t have bet on a conviction with an impartial judge, although this now released indictment seems kind of slam dunkish. Iā€™m mad (yes you can print that Iā€™m mad) because I thought we were reasonably live for a gag order and then contempt of court charges, but with the judge in your pocket I assume he wonā€™t be going after her family at least.

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Yes? Weā€™re all kind of tired of the legal system never stopping Trump.

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There was a 1% chance he faced any consequences before this. Now itā€™s 0.0%

While Iā€™m certainly open to discussing future wagers, Iā€™m not nearly as confident about conviction and far less so about any prison time

Iā€™m also not going to be doing any victory laps. With this federal indictment, Iā€™m closing the chapter on what has been the unhealthiest preoccupation with another human being Iā€™ve ever had in my life. Itā€™s not the man who shocks and disappoints me, but all the people who to this day, continue to support and show deference to such an obvious mentally ill con man

Heā€™s FINALLY been convincingly indicted and I think GA and J6 are to follow. Itā€™s in the hands of the court and a jury of his peers now

I appreciate your sportsmanship and the fact this is a bet you very much wanted to lose. Your profile is hidden. Please DM me and Iā€™ll give you info



Just had a chance to read through the indictment over lunch.

IANAL, but I was a holder of a very high security clearance, and something definitely jumped out at me in the section where the markings of each document was listed. For example, on page 29, you see document number 5 has a couple of [redacted] markings.

That isā€¦bad. like, really bad. Those markings are most likely related to a Special Access Program, which are basically compartmented programs that require the highest level of clearance (TS/SCI, usually) and are even further limited by ONLY being accessible to people who are specifically read into that program. The markings likely give away the existence/codename of the SAP. Many of the programs are so classified that to even know of their existence requires being read into the program.

This is bad for Trump. Iā€™m not saying heā€™ll face prison, but the fact that he had SAP/SAR level stuff at his house is the level of felony that would get a normal schlub tried for treason.



Itā€™s weird people are still mocking him for the brazenness of his crimes and his willingness to talk about them. How do they not realize thatā€™s exactly why he is immune to consequences?

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well, they consider trump a friend in the same way trump is someoneā€™s friend, only when they are useful.

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I would think Trump would at least send somebody down to Costco and buy some shelves to stack his documents neatly.

This is the ultimate


I have no issue storing sensitive documents in the bathroom. I once had a years worth of unread issues of the Economist in mine.


I have 15 issues of the AAA of California magazine - Westways.

Fuck you. Go away forever.