Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

I was told she was humiliated though so surely she will play it straight this time…


she learned her lesson?


31 counts? jfc

it looks to be all the rooms starting with ‘b’. fbi should probably check the billiard room, the bowling alley, the boardroom, and Barron’s room.


The judge is a fucking disaster


it’s wild to knowingly commit a crime this flagrantly, to tell people and show friends and friends-of-friends classified documents so often that it gets to the point where folks started taping him in secret and the time they’re taping he does it describes it in detail and even waves a paper around, a full radiodrama sound effects department would think, “is this too much?”

maybe if the pussygrabbing tape had sound effects of him actually grabbing a pussy it would have worked against him in the end. i guess we’ll see.

on the other hand, every candidate against him for president promised to pardon him before they even heard all the charges, so it’s moot af. he only has to stay in jail as long as a democrat is president. and if he’s in jail for 8-12 years, when he gets out he’ll be like a white mandella


is he really trying to outwit the fbi just so he can wave around an interesting conversation piece at parties? i mean obviously any rational person would be selling these documents to his closest friends (putin, kim, mbs). they’re actually his friends!


Most people don’t know that William f Buckley wrote a book in defense of McCarthy, who died a broken man. These morons can say whatever they want, but they only have influence among the dumbest people in the country. Pat Robertson is dead, the dream of the 80s is dead, the republicans are just trying to Weekend at Bernie’s the party until they can figure out what the hell is going on. The intraparty republican fight will make politics interesting even if Trump strokes out before long.


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Somewhere in the plot of this, trump’s refusal to accept defeat led to him not packing correctly, which led to him keeping classified documents, which may lead to him dying in prison (let me fantasize here). Why can so few writers write stuff this good, where the villain gets away but then hoists himself on his own petard in a clever way.

Gift of the magi shit.

Trump hasn’t taught MTG anything. Or maybe he has.

Cannon has been a member of the conservative Federalist Society since 2005, when she was a law student.[2][5] While being considered for the position of a district judge in 2020, Cannon explained that she joined the Federalist Society because of a “diversity of viewpoints” and also because she “found interesting the organization’s discussions about the constitutional separation of powers, the rule of law, and the limited role of the judiciary to say what the law is—not to make the law”.

In the case of Paul Vernon Hoeffer, a 60-year-old man from Palm Beach Gardens who pleaded guilty to making death threats against three Democrats: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and prosecutor Kim Foxx, with federal sentencing guidelines recommending 33 and 41 months in prison, and prosecutors proposing 41 months, Cannon in April 2022 sentenced Hoeffer to 18 months in prison and then three years of supervised release, and also fined him $2,000.

And then there is, of course, all of the shit with the most recent Trump case she was involved in

On September 29, Cannon overruled procedures proposed by the special master she appointed, senior federal judge Raymond Dearie, who had been nominated by Trump’s legal team; instead Cannon agreed with Trump’s legal team on multiple issues, and set procedures including extending the deadline for the review.[52]

On December 1, the Eleventh Circuit ordered the case to be dismissed because Cannon “improperly exercised equitable jurisdiction” over it.[53] The Eleventh Circuit stated that Trump needed to show that the case met all four criteria under the Richey test for equitable jurisdiction over lawsuits for seized materials, but failed to do so for any criteria.[54][55][56] The Eleventh Circuit found that under Cannon, “the district court stepped in with its own reasoning” multiple times to argue in favor of Trump, sometimes even taking positions that Trump would not argue before the appeals court.[57] The Eleventh Circuit also found that when Trump did not explain what materials he still needed returned, or why, the “district court was undeterred by this lack of information”.[54][58][59]

The National Law Journal wrote that the Eleventh Circuit’s decision “reads as a rebuke of” Cannon, with New York University law professor Peter M. Shane commenting: “If an appellate court tells a lower court that we can only accept your judgment by betraying one of the nation’s founding principles, that’s a pretty strong rebuke.”[56] Duke University School of Law professor Samuel W. Buell opined on the case affecting Cannon’s judicial legacy, stating that it “might end up being the most high-profile case she has in her career, so it’s not going away”, but the Eleventh Circuit’s “opinion has her having been very wrong”.[56]

On December 8, the Eleventh Circuit ended the special master’s review and permitted the government to use non-classified seized material in its investigation.[60] On December 12, Cannon had Trump’s case “dismissed for lack of jurisdiction”, after the Eleventh Circuit instructed her to dismiss.[61][62]

Cannon was the subject of ethics complaints over her handling of this case, but the complaints were dismissed in December 2022 by the Eleventh Circuit’s chief judge, William Pryor

In case some of you have not heard of him, William/Bill Pryor is the piece of shit redneck Republican former Alabama attorney general known for a whole host of awful shit, such as:

-working to keep an Alabama man on death row from getting a new trial (he was later exonerated and released)

-filing an amicus brief in support of a Texas law criminalizing homosexual sex

-called Roe v. Wade “the worst abomination in the history of constitutional law.”

All of this can be found in his Wiki link.

So… yeah. Between this judge being on the case and the fact that the trial appears to be happening in FL, I don’t think I’ll bother following this case anymore.

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lol i love this “he knew mishandling classified documents was wrong because look at all the times he spoke about how wrong it is”

uhh hello?? it was wrong for a DEMOCRAT to do that! that’s what he meant! that’s what he was saying. replace “classified document” with any other words you want and he’d say it.

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Do you want to watch a movie or a football game where the good guy is a superhero and the bad guy is like a dumb 17 year old on crutches? Judge Cannon being in the mix will fill out the plot with ups and downs and twists and turns. It’ll be fun.


I think this makes me like Trump just a smidge. He’s just like me! He’s a hoarder who can’t find anywhere to put shit so he just has piles of stuff in various rooms.


So I’ve heard a couple of people say that Cannon essentially has to recuse herself, and if she doesn’t, the justice department will file for her to be taken off, and it will be a slam dunk that it’s granted. Anything to this, or is this pure copium?

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next on Hoarders


I assume you saw that in a tweet from an MSNBC pundit/lawsis. She’s credible but I think it’s copium.

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Lolololol no way. The whole judicial ethics system is on the honor code.

I think they will move to recuse, she will probably decline, they may or may not be able to appeal to the 11th Circuit, which has plenty of crazies.

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