Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Audio of the latest Trump tape

I think you guys fundamentally misunderstand lol democrats, they WANT trump to be the nominee

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Well, I’d like to see ol Donny Trump wriggle his way out of THIS jam!

Judge Aileen Cannon is assigned the case

Ah! Well. Nevertheless,



He doesn’t have to get out of the jam, he just has to throw out enough procedural delays to make the jam irrelevant.

Sure, and you’ll probably get a high-five from the dunkee too. Posterize me bro.

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This is concerning. People are giving reasons not to be concerned, but I’m concerned until she’s off the case.

Judges have a lot of control if they choose to use it. Among other things they have significant power over sentencing.

It would be trivial for her to grant him non-appealable extensions that delay everything past 2024.

I highly doubt she will recuse herself.

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There is no word in English, although I think the Germans have something for it, to describe the sheer anger and pain the Lincoln Project haterz must be feeling right now.

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Pursuant to the Constitution, the Speedy Trial Act requires that the case go to trial within like 100 days. Well funded defendants almost always waive the Act and seek extensions to develop their case. This case, if Cannon is the judge, will not go to trial untill Trump wants it to.

Trump’s valet, Walt Nauta—who went to work at the Florida resort after working in the Trump White House—also faces charges alongside Trump, according to a social media post from Trump and a person familiar with the matter.


Based on all available evidence. It was unlikely trump was every going to be indicted for anything

Glad to be wrong.

But based on all available evidence trump is never going to be convicted of anything or face any consequence of any kind

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Lol, from what I understand this asshole Trusty is the only one who knows how to handle this kind of case. Free article.

I best he was fired for demanding another million and control over the other lawyers.

“For purposes of fighting the Greatest Witch Hunt of all time, now moving to the Florida Courts, I will be represented by Todd Blanche, Esq., and a firm to be named later,” Mr. Trump wrote in the post.

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Without reading anything else on this, I just assumed that Trusty was his TV lawyer, and now that he is actually indicted, he will try and find a real lawyer who can handle the case. Just like his defense attorney in the New York case with someone that had not been seen or heard from before IIRC.

Indictment is live:

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