Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Trump could legit go to jail over this.

Yeah, he could go to visit Biden after he locks him up for his role in the Boxes Hoax, among many others!

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My goalposts are still that true consequences for Trump consist of either 1) 90+ days behind bars 2) barred from running, or 3) fines in the 9 figure range, and that any of those are unlikely. But god damn the evidence against him here seems pretty bad.

The argument against consequences has been that as long as thereā€™s some narrow lane of mental gymnastics that can be done to convince a couple MAGA jurors that what he did wasnā€™t really that bad, heā€™d completely skate. But if they really have him on tape and video effectively saying ā€œI did it and hereā€™s how I hid itā€ Iā€™m a lot closer to team Cactus than I ever thought possible.

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Someone needs to put this into thr Downfall clip

I donā€™t even think 9 figure fines will do that much. If heā€™s the president he can make that back pretty easily.

The only way he is barred from running is to be convicted of these crimes

Heā€™s never getting convicted



Lol good one.

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I will say the ā€œwe got himā€ on this feels real

But it has also before


The transcript of the audio recording suggests that Trump is showing the document heā€™s discussing to those in the room. Several sources have told CNN the recording captures the sound of paper rustling, as if Trump was waving the document around, though is not clear if it was the actual Iran document.

ā€œSecret. This is secret information. Look, look at this,ā€ Trump says at one point, according to the transcript. ā€œThis was done by the military and given to me.ā€



I mean this is the dumbest shit of all time but I guess Trump is gonna go with ā€œIā€™m actually a whistleblower exposing General Mileyā€™s plans for attacking Iran, that I do not supportā€

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Could well derail his campaign even if nothing ultimately happens.

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If he gets convicted (which is a fairly big but not insurmountable ā€œifā€ at this point), #2 is almost surely gonna be part of it. I doubt youā€™ll see any significant fines though, and heā€™s a lock to be given house arrest or something in lieu of any time at club fed. Which most likely heā€™ll make a mockery of, getting exceptions to leave for ā€œdoctorā€™s appointmentsā€ that always seem to coincide with 18 holes of golf on the way back, etc.

Apparently Florida has a rocket docket so that case will go much faster than the others.


Normally Iā€™d say thereā€™s no chance of ever dinging a president on keeping classified material because the president has such broad discretion to declassify stuff, but if heā€™s on tape after leaving office declaring that the material is still classified, and that heā€™s retaining itā€¦ I guess I donā€™t know what else youā€™d need to make those charges stick.

His gameplan ought to be to declare that he secretly declassified everything before leaving office, but if heā€™s out there literally waving these documents around and saying ā€œlook at this secret stuff I got from the militaryā€ā€¦ :man_shrugging:



You might know this judge as the one that last year publicly declared she wanted to appoint a special master to review all the materials taken from Mar-a-Lago before even hearing arguments. This she duly did and ordered federal prosecutors to stop examining them until the review was completed.


During one of his impeachments, a senator said yes obviously he is guilty, but we arenā€™t going to punish him.

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I was thinking fines more in the context of one of the defamation suits. If he got a $100mil+ judgment levied against him Iā€™d call that a ā€œwe got himā€ although maybe thatā€™s generous. Barred from running and house arrest is a good middle ground position. If Iā€™m Merrick Iā€™d take that deal, although that just serves the narrative that itā€™s a political hit job, which IDGAF about if it is anyways. Iā€™ll settle for an ā€œAl Capone on tax fraudā€ sort of compromise.

Is this where we dunk on the ā€œnever gonna indictā€ guys or have the goalposts already shifted to something else?


Not that I think Trump is going to jail, but if he did I have a weird suspicion that he would like it. Honestly, he might really come into his own there imo.
