Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

I mean I’ve posted worse than this so I guess I’d have had to go out with the “I can’t be fair and impartial” group right off the bat.


Juror #1


You’re in fucking Manhattan, “watches some Fox News” needs to be a turbo nuke. What the fuck man.

Like that bio reads like exactly what you would expect from a catfishing MAGA chud


5 is also a f*** up

Can someone explain?

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  1. The seventh juror is a civil litigator who is married with two kids and lives on the Upper East Side in Manhattan. Originally from North Carolina, he reads the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, New York Post and Washington Post. He said he has “political views as to the Trump presidency” and that he thinks there were likely Trump administration policies he disagreed with. “I don’t know the man and I don’t have opinions about him personally,” he said. “I certainly follow the news, I’m aware there are other lawsuits out there. But I’m not sure that I know anyone’s character.”

7 seems like a reasonable draw other than NY Post (?)

This is horses***. Another atrocious selection.

Nah, that’s what you say if you want to be on the jury


What the heck?

“I’m a lawyer who reads the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, New York Post and Washington Post and I have absolutely no opinion of our president”


The problem is being just like a normal reality based human gets you disqualified. “I disapprove of the coup attempt” BANG GONE


Trial looks like it’s gonna be a disaster but I guess we’ll see…

Per CNN:

Both the prosecution and defense have each used six preemptive strikes. This means each side has four strikes left.

So there were six worse than the ones we know about.

Giddy-up, cowboy.

Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 3.25.07 PM


So fucking creepy

I recorded her VO for her Playmate of the Year video and it was interesting. I guess she was an elementary school teacher or something prior to becoming a playmate. I took her into the booth and explained where to sit and how to be next to the microphone, etc. She just said, ‘ok’ and then the session began.

I remember after the first take, when the director gave her notes, she leaned wayyyyy back from the microphone to look at him through the window, and I was just like, ‘oh God, this is gonna be a disaster’. When he was done giving her notes, bam, right back to the right spot. I had no issues at all during the session and she took direction well. I wasn’t really reminded of her again until she showed up in the Trump stuff. I think I told this story similarly on 2p2 to someone who randomly ran into her probably prior to Trump, but I can’t remember for sure when that was.


except that one

Potential juror nunnehi is hereby dismissed for cause.