Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

I really don’t have an opinion on what the total length of this trial is going to be. I’m reading that jury selection can take up to 2-3 weeks and I’m giving another 4-5 for witnesses and closing arguments. I might be way off in either direction. I think there’s also the possibility of an appeals delay if I understand it

2-3 weeks for jury selection in a trial like this? Not a chance. Most capital murder trials don’t last as long as you’re predicting.

Six jurors are already confirmed. Defense is down to four vetoes. It’s moving faster than expected.

I’m a little surprised we don’t know where Barron is going to college.

Trump U


Has the prosecution been checking social media too?

The sooner, the better. The real question imo is if convicted, how long does the appeals process play out for?

Couldn’t tell you but Michael Cohen spent a decent amount of time in jail over lying about this scheme.

Michael Cohen was prosecuted in a different by the Feds, not the state. And if I recall, part of it was for tax evasion. Obviously, if Cohen gets in trouble then so should Trump, but it’s worth noting the difference in venue

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Potential juror is dismissed after saying he can’t take off weeks of work for trial

The six potential juror to review his questionnaire was dismissed after he raised a work problem.

Before being dismissed that juror said, “as much as I would love to serve for New York and one of our great presidents,” he felt he couldn’t take off from work for six weeks.



What we know about the 6 jurors seated Tuesday

Six jurors have been seated in Donald Trump’s hush money criminal trial so far today. Here’s what we know about them:

  1. The first seated juror, who will be the foreperson on Trump’s jury, is a man originally from Ireland. He works in sales and has some college education. He is married but doesn’t have kids. He reads the New York Times and Daily Mail and watches some Fox News and MSNBC.
  2. The second juror is an oncology nurse who lives with her fiancé. She’s a native New Yorker. She reads the New York Times and watches CNN.
  3. The third seated juror is a corporate lawyer. He’s originally from Oregon. He gets his news from the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Google. He’s a younger man who’s never been married and doesn’t have kids.
  4. The fourth juror is an older Puerto Rican man who’s married with adult children and two grandkids. When asked about his hobbies, he said, “I guess my hobby is my family.” He has an IT business for training and consulting and attended one year of college. He told the court he finds Trump fascinating and mysterious. “So many people are set off one way or the other and that is interesting,” the man said. “Really, this one guy can do all of this, wow.” Trump “makes things interesting,” the man said, but also didn’t indicate any strong feelings about his politics.
  5. The fifth juror is a young Black woman who teaches English language in a public charter school system. She has a master’s degree in education, is not married and doesn’t have any kids. The juror said that as a person of color she has friends who have strong opinions on Trump, but she personally is not a political person. She said she tries to avoid political conversations and doesn’t really care for the news. The juror did say she appreciates Trump’s candor: “President Trump speaks his mind and I’d rather that than someone who’s in office who you don’t know what they’re thinking." She was also the only juror of 18 in the box Tuesday morning who said she wasn’t aware that Trump is facing charges in other criminal cases.
  6. The sixth juror is a software engineer at a large broadcast company who recently graduated from college. She voiced no strong feelings about Donald Trump one way or the other and said, “I will be fair and impartial." She is not married and has no kids, currently living with three roommates in Chelsea. The juror gets her news from the New York Times, Google, Facebook and TikTok. She asked the judge whether her sister’s wedding on a Sunday in September would be a scheduling conflict. Merchan quipped, “If we were still here in September that would be a big problem,” garnering laughs in the courtroom.

It’s been too long for me to remember specifics, but I think it was largely about lying to the FBI about what this case is about (hiding the source of the payment or something). Cohen likely never got a state case related to this because he’s flipped on Trump. I’m pretty sure he’s the ‘star’ witness in this case.

What in the f***? And why is the first juror the foreperson? Never heard of that before.

There are at least 3 potential problem jurors in this trial already, but you never know how they’ll feel once the weight of the box is on them.


Looking forward to the “total exoneration” black cloud lifted headlines

Which juror is most likely to be a MAGA fifth columnist?
  • 1 Irish foreman
  • 2 oncology nurse
  • 3 corporate lawyer
  • 4 Puerto Rican grandpa
  • 5 young Black teacher
  • 6 software engineer
0 voters

:notes:But now I need a little give and take
:notes:The New York Times, The Daily News


this is already shaping up to be an all time cast


Can confirm, I was recently part of a jury pool for a murder trial that was expected to take 3 weeks, jurors were chosen in ~14 hours.

Prosecution fucked up on 1 and 4.