Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Pretty sure you’d get an argument from Michael Cohen, at least.

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I mean I think he can definitely be convicted. A reasonable jury will always convict him. It just all comes down to whether or not a MAGA juror sneaks through. So in a sense the trial itself is fairly irrelevant.

is that something you might be interested in


I don’t even know what to make of the fact that people are still debating whether Trump is going to face anything akin to a meaningful consequence for his actions. The only actual consequences for his actions are a massive cult following, immense personal enrichment, and another term as President of the United States of America.


What you should make of it is to question your priors.


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Facebook post of potential juror appears related to 2020 election

The Facebook post that Judge Juan Merchan is reviewing appears to be from 2020, where the potential juror is in a Facebook post about being in a car “spreading the honking cheer” on the date of the election or the day that President Joe Biden was declared the winner.

“I’m trying to understand what I’m looking at here; how does it call into question what the juror said?” Merchan asked.

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“I’m trying to understand what I’m looking at here; how does it call into question what the juror said?” Merchan asked.

You and me both, man.

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Judge says Trump was gesturing at potential juror during questioning

Donald Trump was gesturing and audibly speaking in the direction of the potential juror who was being questioned, Judge Juan Merchan said after the juror left the courtroom.

“Your client was audibly uttering,” he told Trump’s lawyers. “I will not have any jurors intimidated in the courtroom.”

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Or else!

Judge denies defense’s challenge for cause for first potential juror

Judge Juan Merchan denied the defense team’s challenge for cause.

It is worse than that. The last page of last night’s filing is from the CHUDS filing for the defamation case, and the company that is supposed to be granting surety doesn’t have enough equity in their company to do so. Let’s see Trump squirrel his way out of this mess!

Trump’s legal team says they found “lock him up” tweets from potential juror

Former President Donald Trump’s attorney Todd Blanche is now challenging another potential juror.

Trump’s team found tweets from the juror referencing Trump that say, “Get him out” and “Lock him up."


ETA: Judge strikes for cause

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Trump’s team challenging 3rd potential juror for social media memes

Donald Trump’s team is now challenging juror No. 3.

Defense attorney Todd Blanche raised three social media posts of memes. One of the posts is a picture of Trump and Obama from 2016, with the caption: “I don’t think this is what they meant when they said orange is the new black.”


Dam, Trump’s own unpaid lawyer is trolling him

Even if he is found guilty. What happens. Fines. Probation. Dude just openly mocks the legal system. It won’t change his life one bit.

having to sit still and listen for multiple hours every day is probably the worst punishment he’s going to receive.


I get that anything short of him spending years in a 6x6 cell won’t do it for you, but his life has already fundamentally changed. He is being made to sit quietly in a court room for 6 hours a day, 4 days a week, for weeks on end. Do you think he wants to do that? It’s not what you’re looking for, but it’s a consequence. I’m sure he’d rather be at MAL cheating at golf

What happens from here is up to the future jurors. Not him. He is not in control of his own fate right now. It’s silly to view it as otherwise imo

Why do you think this will be a 6-8 week trial?